And He said:
"Take heed that
you not be
For many will
come in My
name, saying,
'I am He,' and,
'The time has
drawn near,'
therefore do not
go after them."
Luke 21:8
Recently much deception occurred within the circle of some who call themselves "Christian." Widely promoted and believed by many that the world would come to an end on a specific date. It didn't! So now a new date has been set and much spiritualizing has been given to explain this failure of theirs. This deception brings upon true Christians ridicule and causes many to abhor the Christian religion. The above Scripture by Luke is addressing things that will occur to many professing true Christians, but we are not to be afraid even if brought before the magistrates (Luke 21:12) for as Jesus so aptly points out and give us confidence: "But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand what you will answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversary will not be able to contradict or resist" (Luke 21: 13-15). Unfortunately many have misapplied this Scripture and believe that they do not need the Bible as their only sure word from God and teach and practice such mystical things; i.e., that God will reveal in their minds a revelation especially for them and this revelation is the wisdom of God. This interpretation is not what the Bible teaches us for we are to prepare to give answers and to divide the truth of God's word: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). This blog on the Sovereignty of God and the Providence of God is one such study of the Word of God so that we do "rightly divide the word of God." It is not enough to know the "good" for we cannot be sure we know the "good" if we do not know both sides of an issue. True examination is to seek the truth and the truth can only be known by concluding what God's Word says to us and how that Word may have been misapplied or taught so that we do not fall into the snare of false teaching or even heresy. This being then said I shall continue to examine this Doctrine of Concursus.
Concursus is a Latin term that was explained in an earlier blog as to its definition. What is found in regards to concursus that it is represented in general as an influence of the omnipresent power of God. That God not only sustains His creatures, their properties and power, but that He excites each creature to act according to its nature. An example of this is given analogically in describing the effects of the sun. Sun rays effect wax in such a way as to melt the wax, yet, when these same sun rays are applied to clay, the clay hardens. Sun rays will cause seeds to germinate by causing the force needed for the seeds to germinate, but, the sun rays do not determine the nature of that action. Each creation has its own particular nature. This is what the Franciscans, Jesuits among the Romanists, and The Remonstrants among Protestants allow. At this point there is a division of thought as the Thomists and Dominicans that are among the Romanists as well, and the Augustinians theologians insist that this general concursus has besides all that is believed by the former theologians listed above, that there is also a previous, simultaneous, and determining factor that guides and determines the act. In this belief then this concourse of the first is to be found in the second causes, both as the cause and the effect. Furthermore, in this determination is to be referred to the first, and not to the second cause in every case. The Reformed theologians do not agree as Turrettin admits:
"Certain concurrence of our men desire to advance so far as to good works of grace, but in others all think that is sufficient for simultaneous operation." Turrettin is speaking of previous concurrence and as to his explanation he says:
"The action of God, by which move forward the principles into their causes and their influx, excites creatures, to act, and applies this to man rather than to that act. Through which God is the simultaneous action of the creature, in respect to its own entity, or substance produces creatures which together with the actions and the effect of flow is placed in one of them, but not in the creatures themselves."
Concursus is a Latin term that was explained in an earlier blog as to its definition. What is found in regards to concursus that it is represented in general as an influence of the omnipresent power of God. That God not only sustains His creatures, their properties and power, but that He excites each creature to act according to its nature. An example of this is given analogically in describing the effects of the sun. Sun rays effect wax in such a way as to melt the wax, yet, when these same sun rays are applied to clay, the clay hardens. Sun rays will cause seeds to germinate by causing the force needed for the seeds to germinate, but, the sun rays do not determine the nature of that action. Each creation has its own particular nature. This is what the Franciscans, Jesuits among the Romanists, and The Remonstrants among Protestants allow. At this point there is a division of thought as the Thomists and Dominicans that are among the Romanists as well, and the Augustinians theologians insist that this general concursus has besides all that is believed by the former theologians listed above, that there is also a previous, simultaneous, and determining factor that guides and determines the act. In this belief then this concourse of the first is to be found in the second causes, both as the cause and the effect. Furthermore, in this determination is to be referred to the first, and not to the second cause in every case. The Reformed theologians do not agree as Turrettin admits:
"Certain concurrence of our men desire to advance so far as to good works of grace, but in others all think that is sufficient for simultaneous operation." Turrettin is speaking of previous concurrence and as to his explanation he says:
"The action of God, by which move forward the principles into their causes and their influx, excites creatures, to act, and applies this to man rather than to that act. Through which God is the simultaneous action of the creature, in respect to its own entity, or substance produces creatures which together with the actions and the effect of flow is placed in one of them, but not in the creatures themselves."
It is to be admitted that there is little difference between the two thoughts:
"Because of the simultaneous concourse there is nothing else than the previous concourse of continued."
"Because of the simultaneous concourse there is nothing else than the previous concourse of continued."
This previous concursus then is called predetermining.
"This is also the name of predestination, or predestination is usually designated as God stirs and applies the second cause to act, and so antecedently for all the works of the creature, or creature than before by reason of the nature and working, and it moves really, and to act effectively in individual actions, so much so predestination can not work without this as a secondary cause, while the cause of the second placed in the compounded sense not that it is impossible to do the same to the cause of that from the first move forward. "
"This is also the name of predestination, or predestination is usually designated as God stirs and applies the second cause to act, and so antecedently for all the works of the creature, or creature than before by reason of the nature and working, and it moves really, and to act effectively in individual actions, so much so predestination can not work without this as a secondary cause, while the cause of the second placed in the compounded sense not that it is impossible to do the same to the cause of that from the first move forward. "
Examining this is small sections and allowing time for you to think about what has been taught and as to how this teaching is applied to your own theology, I ask that you resist rushing to any conclusion until all the facts have been presented. This may seem a bit cumbersome but it will result in a sure foundation for your faith and a deep understanding of the Sovereignty of God, and how God acts Providentially. The next blog will discuss the assumptions of Concursus.
The LORD is
is slow to anger
and great in power,
and will not
at all acquit the
the LORD has His way.
Nahum 1:3a
God in Our midst Will Save
Richard L. Crumb
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