Thursday, September 8, 2022


Whoever Controls The Narrative, Controls The World


          The media outlets, advertising, talk shows, all have one thing in common and that is the use of celebrities, or real people with real problems and/or answers reporting some wonderful thing that occurred to them by the product they tout; as if it was true, no reference to check their claims: saying, reading what they are told to say. It is not difficult to find a celebrity to read from a teleprompter for a large paycheck. There is by this method a manipulation to advance agendas, ideologies, those willing to deceive even if they know that what is being touted is a lie: the money is to important and not the truth.

          The news presented by news media, internet differ dramatically from the news stories that were covered during the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, by ABC, NBC, CBS. Today, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and some 300 independent news medias. The internet for many is their source for major news, especially for the younger generation. While the younger generation does not visit newsprint or mainstream television, they find their news on social platforms: Twitter, Instagram, etc., and they are better at telling news from opinion, knowing more information over the older generation, as reported in 2018 by Pew Research. While this may be true it is hard to fathom as most of the young generation cannot give simple answers to history, who are the presidents: i.e., Abraham Lincoln, even George Washington, Ronald Reagan, as seen when approach by those asking them questions as proof that they may not be as affluent as to political policies and how they are affecting their lives.

          Major corporations control the news along with about 15 billionaires, and six corporations who own most of the media outlets in the United States. The biggest media conglomerates in the United States are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusements which include Viacom Inc. and CBS; Sony, and Hearst Communications. News Corp and Fox Corporations are both owned by the Murdochs, Herein, lies the problem many local television stations are owned by the same news outlets there is no diversity in the local news and national news where the same stories are identical in format and with similar slants. All one has to do is watch and listen and the same words are repeated by all medias except Fox. To catch your attention these news outlets, use sound bites, eye-catching headlines, newscasters present “fluff” pieces, and little if any well-researched, factual reporting, all has been replaced with scandals and sensationalism. It is if they don’t care the destruction of words, or reinvent, an event, to match their ideology, it seems if their chief job is inventing new words, telling new narratives regarding events and circumstances. They are destroying words, scores of them, hundred of them, every day: to them this is a beautiful thing. One way this has and is being done is to use acronyms: i.e., LGBTQ, NSA, CIA, DOJ, WOKE, and much more. Do not call it what it is: If you say hate then there is no reason to say love, they say bad and have no reason to say good, unless the use is to forward their agenda.

          Recently Mr. Biden in his speech given at Independence Hall in Pennsylvania where he denigrated those who are opposed to his ideology in a mad rant needed to give an answer and a somewhat apology. I looked found no apology, nothing on the news media. Let us get this straight; Mr. Biden (B.B.) said what he said and no retraction will stop people from remembering what he said and his retraction will have little or no real meaning.

          Can you not, see? The whole aim is to say inflammatory remarks that those who have succumbed to having Authoritarianism believe that those word, are not words of thoughtcrime this is impossible, does not Mr. Biden (B.B) speak the truth that is what most all news medias promote and they define in all its subsidiary meanings are now truth and the truth that existed before Mr. Biden (B.B.) has now been rubbed out and soon will be forgotten. For years (B.B.) has uttered prophecies and if not fulfilled are given another reason or are removed from news and people. The method is the rewritten of books, files, or destroying files that speak differently from present political alignment with their original dates are removed and no other copy exists to contradict it. Books are recalled, rewritten again and again, reissued without one mention of any alteration that was made. This is done not only with books but with those speeches that caused some turmoil even among followers so hide them away, never speak of them again, tell a new narrative. It is the narrative that determines who controls the world.

                Don’t you see that the whole aim of Mr. Biden (B.B.) and the left is to narrow the range of thought? To achieve their mission, to change the United States from a free and independent nation is to eliminate real knowledge making it in time to disappear. All that will be left, exist, is a new language of the Left ideology. It is not a change from nothing, rather it is a change into something contradictory of what it was before; the whole climate of thought will be different, in fact, there will be no thought and any thought that arises will be subject to the Department of Homeland Securitry who attempted, although it has been set aside, but that does not mean that it does not exist and some time in the future in an attempt to counter the spread of false information, information they consider false will become the  Ministry of Truth and its subsidiary Thought Police. The penalty for this crime of honesty, real thought ranges from a formal censure to imprisonment, or hard labor, just as is done in Russia, and China, and in some cases, execution is the penalty. At the moment the right to dissent is a fundamental precedent of a free society and the right to redress grievances still exist, or so it seems. Mr. Biden (B.B.) does not appreciate dissent, that is why his rant and rage in his speech at Independence Hall railed at Republicans, President Trump saying that they are destructive to our Democratic Republic. Calling your opponent to be harmful is to say that you (Mr. Biden: B.B.) are not harmful, in fact you are the truth: so you think. A time is coming and it is now in some cases where speaking freely is seen as a means risking control.

          The time to stop this overtake of our nation and our children, is now! It is long past time so it will be harder, it can be done, we won the Revolutionary War, and other wars, except Afghanistan, a blunder so bad due to Mr. Biden’s (B.B.) mishandling of it, and the media has given him a pass. We who are Constitutionalists should not give him a pass and to stand firm for our laws. Stand up! Put steel in your spine! This is your nation founded by our founding fathers. We cannot allow the Left, Socialists, bring upon us Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism.

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