Wednesday, September 15, 2021



The recall election result of Mr. Newsome was easy to predict due to the fact that the State of California is run by Democrats and the greater population for California resides in Southern California where the people for the most part, are democrats, and uphold the Democrat’s ideology.  We saw the same upholding of Democrat’s ideology in the last presidential election; we should not be surprised.  What now?  What can possibly be expected?

          What now?  Should a person, or family, leave California thinking that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, or state line.  That is a distinct and possibly a very good solution to what possibly can be expected.  It is a good decision if a person does their studies to ensure that wherever they go they are not changing one thing for another.  Let’s look deeper!

          Are there examples that shows what possibly might be expected?  A person does not have to look any further than down under in Australia and New Zealand.  I spoke to a young lady at the Sundial Bridge one day recently who was from Australia and attending a school here in Redding and I heard all about Australia and she quickly stated how grateful she was to be in the United States due to all the lockdown, government control over people, where it is now a totalitarian country and the freedom for the people is all but gone.  Who thought that any nation would become so totalitarian and smacks of George Orwell’s book: 1984.  If you had not read it, I suggest that you do so that you can be forewarned of the possibility that we might expect.  Look at other nations beyond Australia and New Zealand to some of the European countries, and other nations that are becoming more and more totalitarian.

          There are two choices: 1.  You can leave the state.  2.  You can stay and fight!  This is your choice and neither one if not done cannot be used to accuse you: we do have free choice!  I am reminded that the American people no matter what difference they may have between themselves have one thing that cannot be taken away from them and that is the willingness to fight for freedom and independence.  Some may be asleep and have fallen into complacency but that will end when the government attempts to take away their freedom and independence; and may not look like that the moment but history tells us a different story.

          The men and women of 1776 fought against the tyranny of Great Britain and fought for freedom and independence against a mighty army and they were only farmers, some gentlemen, and a small militia, through snow, frozen rivers, smallpox, lack of food, even a lack of clothing, stood firm against this tyranny who wanted to make them as servants to their country.  They fought and won, furthermore they wrote the greatest document for any government and nation and that was the Bill of Rights, and our Constitution.  Today, even here in the United States, in our state of California, there is an onslaught by those who wish to destroy what was fought and won by our forefathers.  The push to require a vaccination or lose your rights cannot be upheld by our constitution and can be only upheld if you do not stand fight whether you stay in California or whether or not you leave.  The fight is national.  Of course, a husband and wife with children have a responsibility to protect their children at all costs.  And if this means to leave the state; leave!

          What now?  The Democrats who have rule upon the state of California have not attempted to improve our infrastructure, and to remove the homeless who are infecting our cities, allowing criminals to be freed, and allowing illegals to enter our state.  Businesses have failed, schools have been allowed to teach theories against our Constitution will continue if we do not fight.  I am not speaking of an armed rebellion, necessarily, only about that it is the last resort and we’re far from that at the moment but we can fight by voting properly for freedom and independence and for the removal of those whose ideology is totalitarian, socialism, and even possibly Communism.  Teach your children the truth about our nation and our freedoms and independence.  Be involved both in your local communities, our state and even our nation, show them what it means to be a citizen of the State of California in this case, and our nation.

          We have been forewarned, the book of 1984, an important read, and we have the examples of New Zealand and Australia and even some nations in the European continent.  Complacency, lethargy, apathy, have no place in your life because we are in a fight for our lives and for the lives of our progeny, our neighbors, our citizens of the United States.  If you don’t think it can’t happen here, just look around.

          What now?  That is up to you!  What can you possibly expect?  You know the answer to that question!

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