Monday, October 26, 2020

This year Christmas is hard, very tough with the COVID-19 pandemic, yet, they need you to help them because without support, your support their Christmas will be worse than ever. Jesus made it very clear that we are to help those in need: "And the King (this is referring to Jesus) will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did it to Me." (Matthew 25:40). It does not take much but it takes something. We care for them in two ways: first they have physical needs that include emotional needs that arise out of poverty not knowing what will they have to eat or dress, even if they will be able to not sell their children just to have something, and they have spiritual needs and this is where the Children Rescue Mission comes to play: they treat both but they need help. Will you consider helping? 

We are delighted to report to you that we were able to celebrate Christmas with a distribution of socks, notebook, and caps for the poorest of the poor children.  We were also able to distribute jackets to the slum children. 

Our prayers for Nepal are that many will come to a saving knowledge of Christ. Children Rescue Mission (CRM) would not be able to grow, becoming a message of hope to thousands of un-reached people, without your generosity. Picture above of this letter is from our recent distribution of Christmas gift to Children.  We reach remote villages of Nepal with solution to resolve crisis of extreme poverty. 

Thank you for your prayers for these little ones.  Please join us in praying that all of the children who came to our event and received a gift from us will be saved.  Many of these children received the Gospel message for the  first time in their lives. I am glad, we were able to travel to remote villages with our Gospel Outreach event. 

In Nepal, Christianity is unknown to over 28 million Hindus. We introduce Christianity with our love from the Lord.  This love is shows itself in many various ways, such as presenting a life saving supply of rice for a widow or helping one of the many impoverished orphan children. There has been an estimation of Nepal’s Christians’ growth to about 3%.  Praise the Lord for this increase.    


Yours for the un-reached in Nepal,

Gyan Pantha, Children Rescue Mission

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