And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son of Man be lifted up:
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life. For God so love the world,
that He gave His Only Begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth on Him should
not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:15-16
Before I begin I want to do that which will get me into trouble by some who have a doctrine that is defined differently. The pronoun "whosoever" and the substantive verb "believes" makes the "whosoever to mean the whole, so it is a good translation: everyone. Everyone who believes should not perish. Right? No! A person who believes due to a "getting" something as in Him because they believe in Him their sins would be removed, ridding of their sins has only a method of believing to get. This is their method of becoming saved. Jesus did not come to this earth to first rid you of your sins, no, He came to pay that debt you and I cannot pay, the debt of death, that which overhangs our lives. Our faith in "getting" is misplaced for our faith must be, that is if it is Authentic Christian Faith is in Him. Faith if it is to be Authentic Faith must have something that is missing in most of those calling themselves "Christian." What is that missing thing? It is COMMITTMENT! Faith without commitment is not faith, it is a desire. Yes we must desire to have forgiveness, but not at the cost of Authentic Christian Faith for that faith is not in what Jesus did but on Jesus Himself and Him alone. Oh1 How I wished I had learned this one thing: COMMITTMENT as it would have kept me from making so many poor decisions, not just COMMITTMENT, rather committment in the One who died for sin, and for my sins, who is willing for none to perish but for whosoever will come and believe upon Him will not perish but have everlasting life: "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him" )1Thessalonians 5:9-10). It is not the examples of Jesus that save us, no, it is Jesus that saves us: PERIOD! Yes, we are to receive this fact that Jesus died on the cross to pay our debt and pave the way for those who believe upon Him and this by faith. It is faith, not any kind of faith, but a faith that is committed to the One who has the right to have our committed faith in Him. The Grace of God made all this possible and by His Mercy He sent Jesus to be the Son of God, the Only Begotten Son of God for us so that by Him we who put our committed faith in Him will have the blessings of God eternally. Jesus was not merely an example for us but as the object of our faith. Authentic Christian Faith is trust reposed in Him for the removal of sin. Trust is it is to have any value must be a trust that is committed. Not some flim/flam trust, not just some hope or some desire to have, but to have trust in that which has shown us by His example that He is the Messiah, the One sent by God to pay our debt and to make a way for those believing upon Him to have their sins remitted. I will not take away the humanity of Jesus for He was a true man, in fact He is Man and God for only God in man could pay eternally our debt and be able to remove our sins making us to be righteous in the sight of God. Jesus showed us God, and showed us how we are to live, to be committed to God, by example and by His death, and resurrection and ascension into heaven where He sits at the right of hand of God, that is to be the One who makes intercesssion for us so that God, that is the Godhead, will give to all who believe on the One He sent by Authentic Christian Faith, committment, so that the life of a man will not shrink back from that which this world hurls at an Authentic Christian knowing that it is Jesus that saves.
Jesus said that we are to deny ourselves to anything, or anyone that would cause us not not put Him as the priority in our lives and this takes committment. Committment is not committment as this means that there is nothing that is partial committment. You are either committed or not. Now, this must be stated: You come to Jesus in faith, a faith in Him, but you have not yet come to perfection and will not in this life, but you can grow in perfection, you can cause the will of God given to you in His commandments, in His standards, to have a life of joy and peace knowing that your faith, your Authentic Christian Faith is not in vain. Whether you get something, i.e., a blessing, or not does not deter you for your faith is not in a blessing, no, it is in the Only One who can save you: Jesus Christ. It is the Person Jesus Christ that saves, not His examples, not your doing anything to earn this salvation, rather it is only by your belief in Jesus as who He showed us and said to us: He is God! Jesus is God come to us in flesh and it is Jesus who is alive and will not allow anyone, whosoever will come to Him to perish.
QUESTION: Will you come to Jesus, Him alone? Will you put you committment in Him, and make your faith to be Authentic Christian Faith?
Although my house be not so with God;
yet He hat made with me an everlasing
covenant, ordered in all things, and sure;
for this is all my salvation, and all my
desire, although He make it not to grow.
2Samuel 23:5
Be committed
Richard L. Crumb
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