Monday, October 16, 2017

What Does It Mean To Be Perfect?

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, 
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
that the man of God may be perfect, 
throughly furnished unto all good works.
2Timothy 3:16-17

     Allow me to give the literal translation of the above verses: "Every scripture [is] God-inspired and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for discipline which [is] in righteousness; that complete may be of God man, so very work good fully fitted" )2Timothy 3:16-17; italics mine: the word [is] must be supplied for good translation into English). I did this for a reason: we do not have always an understanding or a particular understand of a word and often leads to misunderstanding of what was actually written. When we hear the word "doctrine" we think of what some denomination teaches rather than giving the word that the Greek actually says: teaching. This teaching or this word is not speaking about some man-made doctrine, or teaching, no it is speaking about the word of God who inspired what was written. Further is the word translated "perfect." This presents a real problem for such as the School of the Supernatural teaches that man can become perfect in this world, but this is not a true translation.The Greek word usually translated for perfect or complete is not the word used in this verse and this word "ἄρτιος" has a wonderful meaning: entirely suited, complete in accomplishment, ready, having all the parts that are necessary for completeness but also to the further adaptation and aptitude of these parts for their designed purpose. In fact there are two words that give a larger understanding: "ἵνα (this word means "in order" so then we are suited in order for a purpose). ἄρτιος"(suited for a purpose). Notice this: "furnished for all good works." 
     Christians view the Bible as that which contains or is an account of a revelation from God to man and is found no where else. Authentic Christians are those who have not lost sight that there is a "living God" and the fact of sin. Liberal Christianity has lost sight of those two great presuppositions. For a liberal Christian view we find that this is diametrically opposite, their liberal doctrine of God and their liberal doctrine of man. What is more damning is that this divergence from the inspired word of God is the message that contains their presuppositions and word the very message they espouse itself. 
     Is the Bible true? Well, the Bible contains this: confirmation and revelations that are given to us, also by things that God has made and by the conscience of man. The Bible tells us that God made all that is and that "The heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament showeth His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). Furthermore Scripture tells us that " All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Our conscience attests to these facts but in additions to these revelations or reaffirmations our blindness, that which we learn or perceive by our blindness is comparatively obscure in its fashion. Furthermore, the Bible contains an account of a revelation which is absolutely new. That new revelation is that man can come into a communion with the living God. 
     By means of the way for us to come into a communication with God is for us to become a useful tool in the hands of God. We are, that is if we hold to the Authentic Truth of the Bible, made complete and are the hands and feet, the mouth by which God reveals through us Himself and what He has done so that man can come to know and believe and put their faith in the One Whom He sent to be our Savior. 
      Question: Will you allow God to form you into a useful tool for all good works?

 But if the wicked will turn from all
     his sins that he hath committed,
and keep all My statutes, and do that
     which is lawful and right, he shall
surely live, he shall not die.
                 Ezekiel 18:21

You have the means: The Bible

Richard L. Crumb

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