Friday, September 1, 2017

Preparing For The Onslaught Of The World

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, 
and hope to the end for the grace that is to be 
brought unto you at the revelation of 
Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning 
yourselves according to the former lusts in 
your ignorance: but as He which hath called 
you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner
of conversation; because it is written,
 Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1Peter 1:13-16

     The battle that Authentic Christians face, this fight that is coming against your faith come from both externally and internally. The interanal battle is with your fallen nature that causes you to do things contrary to the will of God, those lusts of the flesh. The external forces are this world and all that it offers, those seemingly good things that make you desire them, and by those who are in many and various ways attempting to destroy Christianity. To not be consumed by both the internal and external forces that cause a person to lose the battle of righteousness a person must become holy as Jesus was and is holy. To simply say that a person must put on the full armor of God as Paul taught us is not all that must be done for words are just that words and have no meaning if not having a practical application. To first put on the full armor of God a person must deny themselves and become holy as Jesus was holy. Will you do this perfect? NO! But if you are not doing this work that is required of you then you are imperfectly applying the word of God to yourselves. Now, the world will have its way wth you, your children and friends. This battle is not new, it is not something that only we face on our present age, albeit this battle has reached high into the minds of many people including those who are Authentic Christians, especially the children that are being taught by sinful, atheistic, socialistic, even Communistic teachers.
     Liberalism, this modern form of naturalistic liberalism did not come about by chance, no by changes on several fronts. Schools, education has become a large influence upon students especially after World War II, but it began in the United States by a man designated as thefather of modern education: John Dewey. The NOW movement, a movement whereby women began to become influential due to their association with Communism, and a belief that women have certain rights that have been denied them, and in some cases that was true:i.e., voting rights. But they wanted to redefine the meaning of person, of the unborn to be nothing more than a piece of tissue that can be discarded if that tissue inconvenient to a woman. The NEA As far back as 1912 saw education as a tool in their value-changing process. in 1981 Dr. Benjamin Bloom (called "the father of Outcome-based Education), in his book, All Our Children Learning" wrote that: the purpose of education and the schools is to change  the thoughts, feelings and actions of students (Benjamin Bloom, All Our Children Learning (Ny: McGraw Hill Paperbacks, 1981), 33,35. In 1992 Marc Tucker, director of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) worked with the Carnegie Foundation to master-mind a type of parternship between schools and labor, and he proposed "breaking the current system, root and branch." He said, "Our objective will require a change in the prevaling culture-the attitudes, values, norms, and accepted ways of doing things (Marc Tucker, "How We Plan to Do it," proposal to the the New American School Development Corporation: National Center for Education and the Economy, July 9, 1992). I can cite many, many others who have led our children, even us who went to schools under this type of manipulation so that we have not only a battle externally, we have a battle internally, within each and everyone of us, and the Church as a whole. Add to all this the industrialization that has given more free time, or to allow our children to be so involved in games, social media, etc., a new world in which our children are living in and are accepting because to many Authentic Christians are falling prey to the lusts of this world. We cannot escape this from ourselves, no more than we can escape the atmosphere we breath: BUT WE CAN PREPARE FOR THIS BATTLE, THIS BATTLE FOR OUR CHILDREN, FOR THE FUTURE OF THE CHURCH: WE CANNOT SIT ON OUR LAURELS AND SIMPLY SAY: "GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT." YES, HE WILL, BUT UNTIL GOD DOES THIS, WE MUST TAKE CARE OF OUR WORLD, OR OUR HOLINESS AND PREPARE NOW FOR THE WORLD TO COME. WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR CHILDREN, OUR FAMILIES, OUR FRIENDS, AND WE MUST NOT SHUN THIS RESPONSIBILITY. God will at the throne on the last day require of us: What you have done to the little one, to this fight this world, you have done for Me. ARE YOU?

And it shall come to pass, that he
    that is left in Zion, and he that
remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be
   called holy, even every one that
is written among the living in Jerusalem.
                      Isaiah 4:3

Are you fighting or watching?        

Richard L. Crumb

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