Thursday, June 22, 2017

What Is The Work Of An Authentic Christian?

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those
 things which are above, where Christ sitteth 
on the right hand of God.  Set your affection
 on things above, not on things on the earth.
 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with 
Christ in God.  When Christ, who is our life,
 shall appear, then shall ye also appear 
with Him in glory.
Colossians 3: 1 -- 4

     Cultural Christians by the various means of worship, those antiques such as gibberish speaking, or speaking about the raising of the dead that are at best are antecdotal, yet have no proof or evidence are trying to be right with God. cultural Christians such as those from the Supernatural School of Bethel Church here in Redding who go around praying for anyone who allow themselves to be prayed over as a means to somehow be right with God are simply rebelling against the Atonement.  This can also be true of Authentic Christians.  There is nothing anyone can do to purify their heart and soul.  As they person who is attempting to become right with God and you has a belief that God will answer their prayer if they only walked rightly have forgotten that the only prayer for sure that God will answer is your prayer of repentance.  Yes God will and can answer prayers but not because you are right with God.  You cannot make your life perfect and you cannot make yourself so good to be right with God, this is impossible for you or a fallen creature.  You can only be right with God if you accept the Atonement of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ and receive it as an absolute free gift.  The question is are you humble enough to accept it?  If so, you have to resign yourself from every kind of claim and cease from every effort. Authentic Christians are those who believe themselves entirely alone in the hands of God and then began to pour out their priestly life and priestly work and that work is intercession.  Yes there are things that we do better good such as feeding the homeless, working with those who are mentally ill, instituting sign language Bible classes, all are good but not as good as the work God has given His children and that work is intercession. anyone can do this work of intercession you do not need a degree from a seminary or some theological school, you don't need to have anything other than to believe in God and to pray for others to be saved by accepting the free gift of faith offered to them by God.  Do you really believe in the atonement?  Here is a fact: Jesus is not beginning to save you or me, He has are ready saved us, nothing is done, and it is an insult to ask Him to do it.  All you have to do is accept this work of Atonement on the cross is and that is the means for your salvation.
     Start praying, start getting insight from God's Word, pray for your friends, enter into the Ministry of intercession.  Remember this God blessed Job when he prayed for his friends (Job 42: 10).  You don't pray to get blessings to get Brad blessings because he prayed not for yourself but for others.  The real business of your life as a saved an Authentic Christian , as a saved soul, is intercessory prayer.  Yes, we find ourselves in all sorts of circumstances, even consequences, and we must understand that God in his providence engineers all your circumstances, all your consequences to fit his overall purpose of having a people for His name. pray now, pray immediately, pray that His Atonement may be realized and other lies as it has been in your life.  Pray for your friends now; pray for those with home you come into contact now.
     You do not have to do what others are attempting to do to be godly before God and to be right before God so that you might receive some blessing from God. As Authentic Christians you are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2: 9). Authentic Christians have the right of the Atonement.  The question is: are you prepared to leave yourselves resolutely a long and then to launch out in service for God doing the work which is priestly work and that work begins with prayer and in so with prayer.  All of the work you do must begin and end with prayer, not for yourself, and intercessor re-prayer or other.  Remember you cannot become so right with God and if you are seeking for that then you are generating self centered, a morbid type of Christianity.  That is not the life of a child of God.  You must get yourself in a right relationship with God and at times it is simply a case of hanging on by your fingernails, by the Murray's skin of your teeth, and until we can say what a wonderful victory that you have got and know that you got that victory due to the Atonement than you are only doing it for yourself.  There is no miracle of redemption.  Resulting in picketing of the marital of redemption.  You must launch out in reckless abandon and belief that the redemption is complete, and then bothering yourself whether or not you are saying, or whether or not you are a godly enough, you're not, only when God sees it through Jesus Christ.  When you do this you begin to do with Jesus Christ said, pray for your friends.  Remember keep praying on the realization that you are all made perfect in Christ Jesus, do not let this be your plea, "O Lord, I've done my best, please hear me."
    How long is it going to take to allow God to free you from a morbid habit of thinking about yourself?  Have you yet come to a place where you are sick of yourself?  Have we come to the place where there is no surprise of what God says about you.  How can you touch the very depths of your meanness?  You cannot!  There is only one place where a person can become right, and that is in Jesus Christ.  When we have come to this Authenticity and when you have poured out your all for the work of the ministry of intercession that you have come to the place where the image of Jesus Christ is being manifested in your life.

Now hast dealt well with Thy servant,
     O LORD, according unto Thy word.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge :
    for I have believed Thy commandments.
Before I was afflicted I went astray:
    but now have I kept Thy word.
Thou art good, and doest good;
     teach me Thy statutes.
                      Psalms 119: 65 -- 68

looking unto Jesus our intercessor

Richard L. Crumb

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