I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
for kings, and for all that are in authority;
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable
life in all godliness and honesty. For this
is good and acceptable in the sight of God
our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
1Timothy 2:1-4
It must be admitted: men and women, children, all desire to be admired. There is within people a desire to succeed, to be said of them: "they are successful." In today's culture this is the most important thing: to be successful. There is nothing wrong in being successful, but, at what cost a person must ask themselves, and are they willing to pay that cost. It is not wrong to desire to be admired; but, again, at what cost is a person willing to go to reach that level in life where others think and admire you. Attitude is the basis for this desire to be admired or to be seen as successful. People desire to be admired by others in various forms. A problem exists with this desire: this desire can consume as it has done to others for this is the desire of our culture. Example: Michael Jackson, or Prince, very successful people and yet died by an overdose of drugs, not necessarily illegal drugs, but the need to take drugs so that they can continue to be successful. The cost? Their lives! We see men in government, in powerful positions fall because they thought more of themselves than what was right and lost their seats in congress, or as a Govenor: what a cost to be desired by someone, anyone, to feel good about themselves, to feel empowered. This problem is not isolated to the "upper class", in fact it dominates both sexes and all social classes. This desire is the motivating factor, the underlying reason that guides and often becomes the master passion of the soul.
This thinking begins at birth and is reinforced throughout a person' lifetime and can be unseen, hidden, disguised, but it permeates the soul. This type of thinking that is out of harmony with that which is good is not always acknowledge, but it does harm when it is misused. It is said by some that we need this type of thinking, this principle at work or civilization would be destroyed so a person is at peace with this thinking and are comforted, or, is it really excuses so as not to abandon this drive to be successful, to be admired. There seems to be a need to not have disapproval of men, so sometimes this love of praise is ridiculous, sometimes it is sinister. It is true that at times it produces heroes, and at other times criminals.
An argument that we must not pervert this cultural principle because with proper motivation, it has powerful outcomes. The argument continues with this principle leads to pursuit of excellence, to development of skills, courage, that which cannot be deterred and a perseverance that enables a person to finish their life, this race. It continues to say that when properly motivated it can keep a person from wasting their lives in sensual pleasures and motivate to a life of productivity. It is further stated that this principle to be admired, to be successful can be a force that keeps the privileged to not misuse the under privileged to aid the to overcome difficult circumstances. It is said that this principle further leads to courtesy and good will, to aid in interpersonal relationships, to do the right things as if watched by an imaginary spectator. It is argued that we should not reject such a tool that helps us act properly when virtue alone doesn't motivate us.
All sounds good! Problem: they do not work! Why? This approach to life shifts with the changing of the prevailing culture. What is acceptable in on generation is not in the next. Example: abortion where millions of unborn babies are killed and have a law or at least a Supreme Court decision allowing for states to have a law. This would never have been allowed by earlier people, especially in the United States, but the culture shifted and now to kill an innocent baby has approval. This is done so that a person may not have to suffer some sort of inconvenience so that they can continue on their way to success, or to not be admired as a good person, and even that thought has changes as the younger generation does not see that as wrong. This was abhorred is embraced by another. It is plain to see that under the right circumstances supports vice and resists justice. This then makes for a false appearance of virtue. Here is a fact: Even the ancient philosophers and poets of the ancient world saw through it falseness.
There is only one way that this principle legitimately operates. When our desire to please is not directed at other men and women, but to God. It is this that is our motivating factor: pleasing God and then be wonderfully motivated toward that which is good and lovely. To please man is full of danger and only the Bible that should be our basis for our knowledge as how to live is the place whereby we exercise our lives that is good for us, for others, and certainly has the approval of God. It is as the apostle Paul wrote, we are to live quiet, peaceful lives, and this so that by our life witness others will come to see the truth and be saved. Here is the beginning, the way for our lives, to not have this powerful influence in our lives to be misused: pray, pray for our leaders in government, be involved in what our government is deciding for you, pray for others, be an intercessor. Here is the crux: Is God the highest priority in your life, are you willing to not allow the culture of this world to make changes in your life that are contrary to God's will, or is it man that is the driving force for how you exercise your life? God will not reach down and change you: you must do it! Change from the inside/out, that is what is needed.
Better is little with the fear
of the LORD than great treasure
and trouble therewith.
Proverbs 15:16
Lead a life that is pleasing to God
Richard L. Crumb
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