Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Problem With Cultural Christianity

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, 
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, 
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
that the man of God may be perfect, 
throughly furnished unto all good works.
2Timothy 3:16-17 

     Before I begin this blog I must clarify two words as there are some people who give a wrong definition and understanding of the Greek used and translated into English: i.e., the English word "perfect" is used by some theologians that a person can become perfect, without sin in this life, that is, they are as what we are to become after the coming of Jesus Christ, and to have it now. The Greek word; ἄρτιος does not simply mean "perfect" rather it means to adapt, to be adapted, to be suited, complete in accomplishment, ready, and preceding this word is the Greek word: ἵνα, and denotes a demonstration of the idea or purpose or result, and is in order of, albeit, because, lest, making the translation to be clear it means to be complete, so you study God's word, a word that God inspired to teach you His will in order that you may be complete, complete in Him, fully fitted (that is the literal Greek translated furnished). By God's word you can become complete in Him so that you or I can be used truthfully by Him, that is then, to become an Authentic Christian. 
     Herein lies a problem, especially if a person comes to believe in false teaching, or heretical teaching, with cultural Christians. False teaching, or heretical teaching produces a defect in understanding and this produces an exercise of faith that is not in accordance with Scripture. This defect is much like a cancer as most cancers do not produce pain or swelling, or anything for a person to know that their body has been invaded by this deadly disease. This cancer grows undetectable, and often spreads the entire body. When it grows to the point that it becomes apparent a person becomes aware that they need a physician. This is true of cultural Christianity, they do not become away of this unspiritual disease, this condition, and by the spread in their thinking of this disease they come to a false understanding of the infinite value of what Jesus Christ has done and this causes them to respond to in inappropriately. Cultural Christians are just that: cultural, that is, they are filled with this life, with life business and the vanities of this life. No, not all are running around sinning openly, rather they are exercising a type of faith that is not Scriptural: they are not properly being instructed in Authentic Christian Faith. 
     Cultural Christianity is not always apparent in a person, especially those who have become aware of their cultural Christianity. These are those who are truly seeking the truth but have yet to admit that they have become infected with this cancerous disease: false or heretical teaching. How then can we know them? To know if a person is actually serious about the truth, about Jesus Christ, ask them by engaging them in conversation and steer the conversation towards Jesus Christ and matters of faith. Several things will happen, and this is often a response of a vague faith, or a faith that is all about doing, rather than simply believing the inspired words and are following a man-made doctrine(s) as to how to demonstrate faith. 
     Cultural Christians might speak with you about religion, or Church, and this is done more often than not in generic terms. What you will not hear very often is the name of Jesus Christ, or even speak of His death or resurrection. What you will hear more often than not is the thrills and excitement they have found in their misunderstanding about the "real" thrill an Authentic Christian has, and that thrill is simply that they have come to understand about their fallen nature and their need of a Savior and that Jesus Christ by His death on the cross and His resurrection they can be saved. Do you want a thrill, some excitement? Well what more do you need that the Gospel? Cultural Christians will speak about morality, the precepts of morality, and even about the need for positive character and then will allow such things as: homosexuality, abortion, and other sins condemned by God when He inspired men to write the words we call the Bible. This is speaking out both sides of the mouth by saying they believe in Jesus Christ and then speak of the morality of this world that is opposed to God. Cultural Christians have yet to connect their thinking with the facts of what Jesus Christ has done for them, and what God has done for all, and that is He has revealed His will, unadulterated, inspired and leads to righteousness. God's righteousness is not a cultural based righteousness, it is His righteousness and that is the righteousness we all need and should be led by in all that we do and say while we are here on this earth. 
     The truths of God, His will, His requirements, have been written down for us and there is no need for any other understanding that what is clearly written for us in the Bible. We all need to be able to recited these truths in our services, our pulpits. We must not simply say: "this is history," yes, it is, but we are formed by history as history has bearing on present time. We cannot be indifferent to God's word, and this is another problem with Cultural Christianity, they ignore the simple truths of God's word and replace it with what they want the truths to be and say. Cultural Christians are "lukewarm" Christians a type of tepid faith. To be lukewarm, a term used by Jesus Christ when He spoke about the Church in Laodicea: "I know thy works, tht thou are neither cold or hot: I would thour were cord or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:15-16). Ask yourself this question then: "Am I lukewarm? Have become infected with the disease of culturalism? Am I following a man and his/her doctrines and teachings, or am I following the true and inspired words of God? How can I test this? By the inspired word of God and this alone!

I have heard of thee by the hearing 
   of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in 
   dust and ashes.
                      Job 42:4-5

The disease of unrighteousness can be healed

Richard L. Crumb 

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