And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
having the everlasting gospel to preach unto
them that dwell on the earth, and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give
glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment
is come: and worship Him that made heaven,
and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Revelation 14:6-7
How can it be that the gospel is everlasting? The gospel is not the words spoken or written rather it is what or who they are written about and that One must be everlasting if the Gospel is to be everlasting. The One whom the Gospel proclaims must be true in all aspects without fault if that One is to be everlasting. The Greek word that is translated into English means "good tidings" and often we lose this when we just say "Gospel." Words have meaning and for the Gospel to be "good tidings" then what is "good tidings?" This word has as its foundation a form of the Greek word to mean even more: to evangelize. That is, to bring "good tidings" to the world. And is this not what the angel who was flying in the midst of heaven doing? Yes! Once again to offset the doctrine that good standing with God Christians will speak in some angelic tongue. The Greek word translated tongue in English refers always to a language and this text makes this clear. We must spiritualize that which has no business being spiritualized.
The angel said to Fear God and to give to God glory and to worship Him that made the heavens, earth, the fountains of water. Jehovah Witnesses will see this as speaking of two creatures, God, and Jesus a created being. In Deuteronomy 30:17 we are told to worship no other gods or to serve them, and this being true of God then how can we worship as a god, as Jehovah Witnesses teach, a god? We must not! Throughout the Old Testament God only is to be worshiped and there is never a time in the New Testament whereby Jesus was to be worshiped. While on earth Jesus the incarnate God, the Second Person of the Trinity would not allow Himself to be worshiped although His humanity was conjoined with His Godliness, both natures in one body. Now being in heaven after His ascension Jesus returns to the throne of God where in this place He is to be worshiped for He is God, God who accomplished His purpose to pay the debt of sin owed to Him and now paid, Jesus although never ceases to be Jesus is now once again to be worshiped. Did not John in Chapter one of his book tell us that Jesus, the Word, create all things? Yes! Did not John ensure to us that Jesus is God? Yes! Only God who is everlasting can make the Gospel everlasting because He is the Savior, He is the Creator, it is He that is the Gospel and revealed to us through the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
The Greek word that we translate as worship means to do homage and that word is plural, aorist, and imperative. That then means to be at sometime, all the time, giving to God all your worship in all it plurality and being imperative it means that if you are not doing, start now and continue giving to God worship. The Greek word translated "who" is a good translation that is dative, singular. So then, with good translation we can add "Him" and that "Him" is no one less that God and Jesus Christ is God therefore in no manner is Jesus made a created creature. We are to fear God and worship Him. We worship Jesus as God, and we have the Gospel, the Good tidings that Jesus, God came to earth, lived among us, suffered under Pontius Pilate, died on a stake, rose again on the third day, was seen by more than 500 people, and seen as He ascended into heaven to once again, now as the Messiah, to sit, as it were, for as God He never left the throne, to be on the throne. How can this be? God is not a being, as do the Mormons teach, for He is everywhere at all times and as God, the creator, He can reside in the human body of Jesus and never not be God. You cannot pay for your sins, only God can do this! God by means of His Mercy extended that mercy towards man by Jesus coming to earth, as a baby, to live amongst us, to suffer all the things that man suffers, and never depart into sin by means of His humanity, but as God doing what was necessary if any person was to be saved, remain sinless, as man, for He could not sin, He was God incarnate, but showed to us that we too do not have to fall prey to sin. We have no excuse for not following Him in every way. God came, God revealed Himself literally through Jesus, and God saves you through Jesus for it was the death and resurrection and ascension that the Good News is: Jesus saves and that salvation is for everlasting.
All nations whom thou hast made shall come
and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall
glorify thy name. For thou are great, and
doest wondrous things: thou are God alone.
Psalm 86: 9-10
You are the bride of Christ
Richard L. Crumb
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