So hast thou also them that hold the
doctrine of the Nicolatanes, which thing I hate.
Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly,
and will fight against them with the sword
of my mouth. He that hath an ear, let him
hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;
to him that overcometh will I give to eat
of the hidden manna, and will give him a
white stone a new name written, which no
man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
Revelation 2:15-17
Our study of the doctrine of Balaam answers the question about that doctrine and why God hates this doctrine and teaches us that we are not to be as Balaam. Balaam attempted to use God for his profit. Balaam would not take God's command and tried to get God to give him permission to curse Israel for if he did curse Israel Balaam would receive more than profit, he would receive acclamation giving him more power. We see men today who are profiting by using God to gain that profit. Men such as Joel Osteen, T.D. Jake, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, and many more are living a rich and bountiful life. This life of those who are using God are speaking out both sides of their mouth as did Balaam: We need to aid the poor, they say, and have incomes of millions and live in luxurious homes. It is not wrong to be paid or to live in nice homes, but millions of dollars, huge mansions, cars, planes, and to say that they have a heart for the needy? Really? When we hear a quack, quack, we generally will say that it is a duck, when it walks like a duck, we will say that it is a duck. Men and women are being deceived by those men and the true gospel is not being preached.
Now we come to another group of heretics: the Nicolatans. Who are they and why does God pronounce His hatred towards them? I have addressed this before but now to readdress this so that we can understand why John was given in this vision by Jesus Christ. John mentions them and shows God's hatred for them and a warning for us to heed.
Nicolaitans is a Greek word that is a proper noun combined of three Greek words, Nikos, Laos, and Ton. This world cannot be translated into English but it can be transfered. Here is what is meant: Nikos defined means "a conquest, victory, triumph, the conquered and by implication, those who are dominate over the defeated. Laos means people, when Nikos is added to Laos then the meaning is the one who is victorious over people. Ton is a contracted word into a long "a," thus making the word Tan that is genitive, plural in all the genders of the definite article 'the.' This then is the legal Greek construction which becomes Nicholaitans in Revelation.
How does this apply to the Church? Who are the ones that are ruling over the Church, and are victorious over the Church and have gained a victory or conquest over the people of the Church? Who are holding dominion over the Church and are compelling the people to submit to arbitrary doctrines, those doctrines that God hates? Nicolaitans carries the meaning for the bishops, the prelates of the Church, those who are demanding that their doctrines are to be followed or they would lose their entry into the kingdom of God. Oh, they do not necessarily say those exact words, but they teach and preach a gospel that is another gospel teaching them to do things to prove that they are Christian, and to gain profit from those who will follow their teaching. There are so many arbitrary doctrines that the denominations hold fast to as the only truth. They force the people to adhere to them. Peter wrote: "The
elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a
witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory
that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you,
serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest
gain but eagerly; NOR AS BEING LORDS OVER THOSE ENTRUSTED TO YOU, but being examples to the flock" (1Peter 5:1 - 3).Let us observe that Jesus Christ, in all seven letters to the seven Churches speaks of nothing but matters of doctrine, practice, warning and promise. As we look at these seven letters to the seven Churches nothing is to be found from Jesus Christ whereby He dwells upon Church government, or ceremonies. Jesus says nothing about sacraments, or ordinances. Jesus does not mention liturgies or forms. Jesus does not instruct John to write one word about baptism, or the Lord's supper, or the apostolical succession of ministers. Those leading principles called the sacramental system are not forward to any one of the seven Churches, and are not to be found in those seven letters.
Unfortunately there are those who do forward those systems and would have us believe these things are of first, cardinal, or paramount importance. Yes, a Church needs to have and to see the importance in sacraments and a Church needs to be well administered, and this means to have an evangelical ministry for if it does then it is more complete and useful Church than in one where those things are not to be found. All are nothing compared to faith, repentance, and holiness. We are not to be content with outward appearances, some outward part of religion.
Those Nicolaitans mentioned in Revelation were men who attempted to be superior to the laity, to even other clergy, and wanted to have exclusive power over them, to confer orders. So then, the definition and transfer of the Greek tells us that there were men who were practicing carnal and fleshly iniquity by creating a superior class of leaders. This in opposition to the fact that all in the Church, no matter whether they be leaders or not are to constitute a holy brotherhood. They are not to make inferior the brethren.
It is no wonder that God hates the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans as they oppose God, misuse God, and misled people. Those who are misled have a gospel that is not a gospel and are under the delusion that they have the truth due to the fact that they are under the spell of a Nicolaitan, then, and now.
He that planted the ear,
shall He not hear? He that
formed the eye, shall He not see?
He that chastiseth the heathen,
shall not He correct? He that teacheth
man knowledge, shall not He know?
The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man,
that they are vanity.
Psalm 94:9-11
Do not be fooled or misled: examine all things
Richard L. Crumb
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