My brethren, be not many masters,
knowing that we shall receive
the greater condemnation. For
in many things we offend all.
If any man offend not in word,
the same is a perfect man,
and able also to bridle the
whole body.
James 3:1-2
When a person takes up a leadership position he or she is held to a higher responsibility. What is meant is this: to lead one must hold to a duty that affects others, both good and bad. It is not that a leader wants to affect people in a bad way, it is more that a person who is affected in a bad way has a prejudice against leadership, at least in some way. A leader must understand that to lead can lead them to a condemnation even if not warranted. Take a CEO of a company who has to make hard decisions, even decision as to hire or fire employees. He must remember that his job is to ensure the safety and a profitable company and do whatever it takes to make that happen. Not everyone will be happy with a CEO's decision. People in positions of authority have the same responsibilities and we must not give them such a hard time that makes their job almost impossible. We too have responsibilities.
The Greek word: didaskaloi, rendered in this translation, Master," means to be a teacher(s) and in our Churches we have men who are leading the congregations and have such a responsibility, not for profitability, but to teach them the word of God that will lead them to grow in sanctification and in their faith. This is the highest of all responsibilities and duties of a leader. We must remember that in a Church many who attend are from backgrounds that were atheistic, or not godly and walked in lives opposed to God. There are those in the Church that have grown in their faith and sanctification and the Church leader must be able to teach them all. Some will be offended and leave the Church. Some will give the Church leader a hard time over things that the Church is doing, or not doing. They do it not in love but to have some control over the decisions. I personally saw this when people in a Church fought over the color of the carpet to be installed. I even saw a pastor who would not allow the congregants to make the decision over the color and type of carpet to be installed. I know for I was the salesman to that pastor and Church. Our responsibility is first to study Scripture, and apply Scripture to our lives, and to ensure that there is peace, which is not always an easy thing to do, in the Church. To listen to the leader ensuring that he is not teaching some falseness, or heresy. We too have this responsibility to ensure that the truth is being taught. We may not understand what a pastor or Church leader has said, so we take time to speak with him, kindly, so that clarity will be the final result. We can either aid or hurt the Church leader by our actions and words.
If a Church leader believes that he is a perfect man, chosen by God, and abuses his position and responsibility then that man is wrong and hurts the Church and Christianity as a whole. We see this with many televangelist who live like some celebrity, who have so much money and a lifestyle that we see only with the rich and famous and by this they offend non-Christians, and should offend Christians. It is not that they should not be paid, that is Scriptural, but too many abuse their position and power. So, if they say they are perfect, God's chosen to lead, all one has to do is to see if they bridle their whole body. Many a Church leader has fallen due to some sin because they could not bridle their tongue, their lifestyle, and live not to God, but to themselves.
Yes, God leads a person (if they allow God to lead) to become a leader in the Church, a missionary, etc., but many hold leadership in a Church to have a job, to earn money so they can live as they so desire. They are not in their positions to serve God but themselves. Many of Church leaders have go to seminaries, or Christian Universities that are liberal and teach doctrines that are not Scriptural. So we who have grown in our faith and sanctification must assume our responsibility to know the background of the one to be chosen to lead the Church.
Remember: The leader of a Church speaks words that are either edifying and leading people to live as God desire we live, or, they speak things that may keep people in the Church so that they continue to have a job, and those things are not usually Scriptural. Furthermore, to become a leader in a Church a person must remember that they will give to God an answer for all that they spoke and will receive from God a greater condemnation, or, will have God say: "Well done my faithful and discreet servant."
Are you thinking of becoming a Church leader? If so, then pray, ensure that you are truly being led by God to become such a leader. How important is this? The highest importance of anything in this world for people's souls and lives are affected by what a leader says and does.
I will in the next blogs follow James' example of how we must watch ourselves in what we say and do for God is watching and demands that we do not think so highly of ourselves for out of us comes either bitter water, or sweet water.
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil:
pride, and arrogancy, and the evil
way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
Proverbs 8:13
Learn to be wise and use wisdom
Richard L. Crumb
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