Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the
tradition of men, after the rudiments
of the world, and not after Christ.
Colossians 2:8
To understand better what Paul said in regards to being spoiled is to look at the Greek word: συλαγωγών; and this word is to "spoil" if you understand this English word that does carry the meaning of being damaged or severely ruined, but also is to impair the quality of, or affect detrimentally, or to impair the character of someone, especially be excessive indulgence. This Greek word carries the meaning of being carried off as a prey,or booty, to make a victims of imposture. How is this done? Philosophy: the Greek word: φιλοσοφία: Used once in the New Testament of he theology, or rather theosophy, of certain Jewish Christians, which busied itself with refined and speculative enquiries into the nature and classes of angels, into the ritual of the Mosaic law and the regulations of Jewish tradition respecting practical life. Philosophy, in itself is not altogether bad, but how philosophy is being dictated can be bad and in this case: it is! In this case where Paul writes about philosophy it is accompanied with "vain deceit" the Greek word actually refers to "empty" deceit, and all this comes about by traditions of men. The "rudiments," or, "elements," are of this world and not according to Jesus Christ.
Our responsibility as Authentic Christians is to be on watch for that which is being preached and taught to ensure that it is truthful by Scripture and not be some man's speculation or philosophy formed by this world's culture. Theosophy is a word that we must come to understand if we are to understand why certain philosophies are bad. Theosophy is: any variation forms of philosophical or religious thought based on a mystical insight into the divine nature. For instance here in Redding California there is a "School of the Supernatural" taught by Bethel Church and what is to be found is theosophy as they based their teachings on some sort of mystical insight into the divine nature of God. Their students are saying and doing things that are not Scriptural, but those things make them feel pious or godly when in fact it is nothing more than what Paul was writing to the Colossians about to avoid.
What does it mean: "according to Christ?" Jesus said: "Believe also in Me," Jesus did not say: "Believe certain things about Me. This is a major difference in belief towards Jesus Christ. To not understand this difference is to be led as "prey" into heresy, or in the very least; false teaching.
As Authentic Christians we remain loyal to Jesus Christ for He is: "For in him dewelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Colossians 2:9). For those who have fallen prey to false philosophical ideas, or to some form of theosophy and are Arian in the worst, or even to have doubts about whether or not Jesus Christ is God, then they are not understanding this clear and plain fact: Jesus is God in the flesh. How else can this verse be understood? The Greek word for Godhead is: θεότητος; and means divinity, the deity, the state of being God. The Bible writers did not haphazardly use Greek words so as to obscure the meaning for what they wrote was inspired by God so that what what written to these early Christians would be not only for them but for all who would read what was written for sin, the problems facing those early Christians are the same problems that Christians face today. God dwelt in Jesus "bodily." Now here is a most important point: "And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power" (Colossians 2:10). You do not need what is being taught in many Churches, to have some sort of "second blessing," or some "second baptism of the Holy Spirit." No! These things, speaking in some foreign gibberish language, or running around praying to heal people, or any other such things, as being "slain in the Spirit" are not Scriptural and are only vain deceitful things of false philosophy. All that is needed is Jesus Christ as He is revealed in Scripture. You do not need to look elsewhere: it is Scripture: PERIOD! It is up to you to take the responsibility to learn the truth and to apply that truth in your lives. You can do it for you, if you are truly converted and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit for He comes then, not in some second way, but then when you repent of your sins and convert. This is a blessing from our gracious God and Savior. Are you prepared to let God take you into union with Himself, and pay no more attention to what you call great things?
The LORD said, "Say this to him:
"This is what the LORD says:
"I will overthrow what I have built
and uproot what I have planted,
throughout the land. Should you then
seek great things for yourself?
Seek them not. for I will bring disaster
on all people," declares the LORD,
but wherever you go I will let you
escape with your life."
Jeremiah 45:4-5
Take time today: Read God's word
Richard L. Crumb
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