Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Predestination: Coming To A Biblical Understanding

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He
chose us in Him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,having predestined us as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of theglory of His grace, by which He made us acceptable in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1: 3 -- 6

            I enter into this discussion with some trepidation but not with reservation as the subject is debated hotly and with great emotion not only among theologians but among everyday Christians.  One such debate that is can man save himself, by just choosing or is this the sovereignty of God only? Furthermore, is the question as to whether or not that man was predestinated to be saved or not saved by God and when did this saving by God occur, before creation, or sometime after creation, or in time when man comes to know God and chooses Him.  The opening Scripture sets forth this question due to the fact that Paul has written that God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.  This choosing is more than just that we might someday come to be holy and without blame, rather, Paul says that this choosing by God is predestination and it is only according to His good pleasure and will for His glory and His grace.  You might be one of those who have settled to be on one side of this debate or the other, or one that has dealt many questions in regard to this doctrine of predestination.  So now I enter into this discussion and the first thing that must be remembered is; theology is not philosophy.  Theology does not assume to discover truth, or to reconcile what it teaches as true with other truths. Theology has as its importance simply to state what God has revealed in His word.  Furthermore theology attempts to vindicate those statements as far as possible to remove misconceptions and objections.  One must come to this study of theology to speak of the purposes of God and the decrees of God in such a way as to simply state them as what the Spirit has seen fit to reveal on that subject.  One must ask themselves this question: "Do I actually believe that the Bible is the Word of God and truth, or is it in some manner simply a ‘good book’?" Your position on the Word of God will be determined whether you will accept what God has revealed to be the truth, even though it is difficult for a finite mind to fully comprehend the infinite mind of God.  We must understand that the decrees of God are His eternal purpose, according to His counsel of His own will and this for His own glory and that He has foreordainedwhatever is to come to pass.  Paul in writing to the Ephesians is writing a letter that is in some respects very profound and difficult of any of his epistles.  It certainly is the most spiritual and devout, and is composed in an exalted and transcendent state of mind, or theology rises into worship, and meditation into oration.
     Let's take time then to examine the word predestination for there is an ambiguity in the word predestination.  He can be said that in the general sense of the word is to be found a sense of foreordination.  Looking at it in this sentence we found that it has equal reference to all events in as much as God foreordains what ever comes to pass.  Does this mean that God is the author of everything that occurs due to His pre-determining as though He appointed all things to occur both good and bad? This is a question among Christians and non-Christians and you may also be quite quizzical as to what is the correct answer.  So let's look at the Greek word that is used in the above Scripture that we translate as predestination.  The Greek word is: προορίας; I find that it means to limit in advance, that is to predetermined beforehand so in this we can say that it was ordained or marked out before hand but this does not mean that the one allowing this is the author of any action.  Rather the one who allows for any action is God and God did all of this for His own glory and will and for His own purpose.  Predestination may be an also refer to this general purpose of redemption without reference to particular individuals.  God had pre-determined to reveal His attributes redeeming sinners just as He pre-determined to create the heavens and the earth to manifest His power, wisdom, and benevolence. In theology, in general, is to express the purpose of God in relation to the salvation of individual men.  And here is where people place himself in a hard place in rock in this debate in regards to predestination and God having the right to ordain what ever occurs that also includes a selection of one portion of the race to be saved, and leaving the rest to perish in sin.  This is a foreign to many people and rubs them in a wrong way for they choose to believe that man can save himself and he has all the right of free will to do so. This doctrine had its forerunners in such men as Pelagius, who was declared a heretic, and in others such as Jacobus Arminius, men such as Charles Finney, Charles Wesley, and many of the current preachers today teaching this doctrine that God only has predestined or foreordain this right.  Is this true?  This is the thrust of this portion of our study and since Paul has written about it from the beginning of his letter is important that we discuss this doctrine and come to an understanding as to what the Scripture teaches us about this subject.  So before we go into other verses we need to discuss this subject as it is an important subject and has been for many years and divisive among Christians.

A man's steps are of the LORD;
            how men can a man
understand his own way?
                        Proverbs 20: 24

Search the Word of God

Richard L. Crumb

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