Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Courage, Conviction, And Committment

And I, brethren, when I came to you,
did not come with excellence of speech
 or of wisdom declaring to you
the testimony of God.
Or I determined not to know anything among you
except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2: 1 -- 2

            As a Christian we are confronted by the culture of this world and its pressures to conform to the ideologies talked and practiced by those who will not believe upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To practice our Christian faith takes courage and conviction, more than that, we are to be committed to God and His Son Jesus Christ and this we can do by the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells in all Christians.  One of the most harm done to Christians is to make them lose faith in their ability to remain committed.  We see this lack of commitment by the not honoring of vows and oaths in such things as in marriage with easy divorces in great number that are occurring in the Christian church.  Divorces done by such things, as irreconcilable differences, and those irreconcilable differences not based upon God's Word.  It takes courage to holdfast against wrongs to our convictions and to our commitments and yet this is what God has called us to be as his ambassador and witness to His gospel.  We see the world as one that is so troubled and filled with terror from almost every angle that we become timid and allow those things quiet as from speaking the gospel.  Paul wrote to the Corinthians approximately 55 A.D., and this is only some 20 -- 22 years from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ: not a long time.  Paul called by Jesus Christ on his way to cause more persecution and terror to the Christians in recognizing that the one with whom he was persecuting wives gone, Jesus Christ, the one who came, died upon a cross and was the promised Messiah, in a short time began to preach the gospel.  Imagine this, a person who is well-known for his opposition to the Christianity that was now being formed in many churches and cities that many people would be afraid and would have a hard time putting their faith into what he was now preaching.  When Paul entered into the city of Corinth there he would meet a bustling city full of commerce, many people going to and fro and many people who were involved in the worship of Apollos and Aphrodite, a licentious people who were enjoying their wealth and their world standing as an important city within the Roman Empire.  This was a port city and as we can testify to by many testimonies given over the years port cities are not known for being as a church rather more of a place where anything goes, a place where there would be much debauchery, drunkenness, and prostitution.  This is what Paul met when he came there in 51A.D and could cause great fear to speak out against such things that were being practiced in this city.  This can also be our objection in this day when we are faced with most things that are in our present-day culture that are in opposition to the gospel.  People are not willing to listen to what you may have to say in regards to Jesus Christ and salvation.  But as Paul said he did not come to them with a great excellency of speech even though he was a scholar and an orator.  Paul was not saying these things out as some abject humility, what he was saying is this; if he came with great excellency of speech to impress people he would rather veil the power of God for he did not come to impress people with his excellency of speech.  Many people even today are enthralled that are involved in some forms of group euphoria because they have become so impressed by a person's excellency of speech.  To believe in Jesus Christ is a miracle that only produced by the efficacy of redemption and not by some impressive speech, or by some wooing, and winning, rather only by the sheer unaided power of God.  God redeems and sanctifies, calls, and enables, and this by His creative power giving faith for a person to respond to the preaching of the Gospel.  It is never because of some personality of a preacher.  When a person is wooed to believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ to be impressiveness and exquisite diction with impressive an excellent words all that is being done is a hindrance of the gospel of God.  It must be remembered, a preacher is a representative of God.  The preacher is there to present the gospel of God.  If we are being flattered by what we do or why what we hear and if I think by preaching the gospel and I should be flattered, then all I am a coming is a trader to Jesus Christ because I would be preventing the creative power of redemption from doing its work.  Paul did not come to the Corinthians and he has written those things which we now have in our hands for us to read and as he did to the Corinthians he does for us, he comes without the excellence of speech or the wisdom of this world.  Paul comes to us with one thing and one thing only, and that is the testimony of God in the fact that Jesus Christ crucified and is the Savior, the promised one when God gave the promised to Adam.  Our faith should not be in anything other than the wisdom of God and the power of God.  Anything else in this may be and is often misused to mislead people to do things that are not of God and often are nothing more than ways to fatten the wallets of those who are preaching such things that are in opposition to what Paul is telling us to do and not to do.  Who are you following?  Is it some preacher?  Is that a man from the past like John Wesley, or John Calvin, or Martin Luther, or Augustine, or in any other person?  Are you willing to test them with the Scriptures rightly interpreted by allowing scripture to interpret scripture and not man to interpret scripture?  How important is this: the most important as the culture of this world had invaded the Corinthian church it can also see that there has been an invasion into the modern-day church as well.  Purity, purity, purity, this is what we must ensure so that we, and our children and others are not being led off into some form of false teaching.  This is our responsibility; this should be our curry to and conviction to holdfast to our commitment.
            With all of this in mind we will not enter into an in-depth study of this book and allow scripture to interpret scripture so that we can change anything that needs to be changed from our inside that is making us to practice things outside that are not of God.  Paul is going to tell us that we need to purge out the old leaven, and I hope this is what you're willing to do so that you are the witness, and massacre, of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Do not say, "A conspiracy,"
            concerning all that this
people call a conspiracy, nor be
            afraid of their threats,
nor be troubled.  The LORD of hosts,
            Him you shall hallow;
let Him be your fear, and let Him
            be your dread.
                                    Isaiah 8:12 -- 13

Gird yourselves, speak the gospel

Richard L. Crumb

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