In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without
form, And void; and darkness was
on the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God was
hovering over the
face Of the waters.
Genesis 1:1–2
In the beginning was
the Word,
and the Word was with
and the Word was God.
He was in the
beginning with God.
all things were made
through Him,
and without Him
nothing was made
that was made.
John 1:1–3
If you do
not believe that the Bible is not only inerrant and infallible, preserved by
God throughout all ages; then you will not believe or agree with the above
verses. Reasons given to make Scripture say what a person in their theology or
ideology believes. This twisting of Scripture like squeezing out the milk
through cheesecloth when making butter is what is done by many theologians and
atheists, and the general public, even within those who are Christian: they
cannot face the truth of Scripture even when God reveals to us plain an clear
Himself and what He has done and who He is. Moses wrote: “In the beginning,”
and John wrote: “In the beginning,” Are we speaking of two beginnings?
If so why is this not pointed out to us leaving us with only one true
understanding by Scripture: there was a beginning. God is said to have created,
and John says that the Logos, a word used by John in reference to Jesus Christ,
the Wisdom of God, the Word of God, as the One who: “all things were made
through Him,” and Moses said it was God, and John wrote: “and the Word
was God.” Here then is what Scripture is teaching: one beginning, God
created, and the Logos created making cause for creation to exist by both God
and Logos calling both creators when there is only one creator: God, and Jesus
is God. Furthermore: “and without Him nothing was made that was made.”
This will make a Jehovah Witness cringe: “and
without Him nothing was made that was made.” Nothing, nothing, nothing, was made that was made, so
then how could Jesus be said to have been created? Is this not calling the
Bible a lie? Yes, if that is what you believe that Jesus is a creation. Now,
the Spirit of God was spoken of as hovering over the face of the waters. The
Hebrew word for “hovering’ “rachaph” (Strong’s Concordance #7363) gives the
definition of brooding, or by implication to be relaxed, to shake. If we look
at brooding, we find that this relates to hatching, as a hen does with her eggs
to bring forth little baby chicks. This hovering as the New Kings James Version
translates the word, the Authorized King James Version 1611 A.D. is better in
its translation for it uses the word brooding. The Holy Spirit was not hovering
over the waters, as if it was like a helicopter, the Holy Spirit was brooding,
hatching, over the waters, and then God creates. Notice this fact, God, and the
Spirit are both involved in creation and John points out that the Logos was the
One creation. Is this not the Trinity outlined for us so we can understand that
the Godhead is Three; Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit
proceeds from the Father and the Son (John 15:26). Why water first? Water, H2O;
two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen, is necessary for all things need H2O.
Hydrogen is a bonding agent for almost everything that exists and water is the
necessary element for life. How could there be light for the sun not yet
created? Light does not need to come only from the sun. Light can come from
electromagnetic radiation, radiance from a particular source. That source is
that within a atom there is magnetism, the protons being positive and the
electrons negative creating a power source or light. Light being necessary for
living things; i.e., trees, plants, animals, fishes, birds, etc. then God
divided the light into Day and Night and placed in the firmament lights for man
to set seasons and times. All this was don by God, and for further knowledge of
Him He said: “Let Us make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness…”
(Genesis 1:26). Two pronouns used here, “Us,” and “Our.” Then after the sin
of Adam, a horrible sin inasmuch as he did not have, nor did Eve have sin. Sin
original sin corrupted them; therefore when they sinned, not matter the cause,
they sinned willfully against God and that sin, original sin had to be paid, a
debt that man now corrupted could not pay no matter how good he was, or how
much he believed in God. This God did by coming Himself to pay our debt and
this through His Wisdom Jesus Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit
proceeding forth unto His chosen, therefore the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit are all involved in our salvation.
It is more
than just personal pronouns, or some theology devised by man to explain God,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures affirm over, and over the Holy
Spirit is God. When we are baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and
the Holy Spirit we acknowledge all three Persons of The Godhead are involved in
our salvation and we acknowledge all to be One.
What about
baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gifts attributed to be from the Holy Spirit
for man? This will be what will be discussed in the upcoming blogs.
Say among the nations,
the world also is firmly
it shall
not be moved; He shall
judge the
Psalm 96:10
God is Great: Praise God!
Richard L. Crumb
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