Christ has redeemed
us from the curse
of the law, having
become a curse
for us (for it is
written, “Cursed is everyone
who hangs on a
tree”), that the blessing of Abraham
might upon the
Gentiles in Christ Jesus,
that we might receive
the promise of the Spirit
Through faith.
Galatians 3:13–14
We live in
a world, a culture so different from the days of Jesus Christ. We are not afraid of being put to death by
the will of government even though we have not done anything; i.e., murdered,
caused one to be murdered, to be a cause for our death. In the days of Jesus Christ the rule of
Caesar and his cohorts dealt with life much different than we do today. Therefore it is hard to understand why Jesus
Christ was put to death. What did He do
to deserver death? Did He murder? NO!
Did He steal? NO! Did He advise others to revolt against the government? NO!
Jesus Christ was put to death at the request of the Jewish people, especially
the religions leaders. Why? So that
Pontius Pilate would not have the disdain of Caesar who he had problems with
earlier. It was easier to do the
demands of the Jewish people than to stand for what was right. Oh, yes, Pontius Pilate did wash his hands as
thought to be able to remove the sin that he allowed. We may think, this is awful,
it should not have happen. What? Are you speaking against the will of God? Jesus did not come to earth to just be a
good man, to teach and preach about God.
Jesus Christ came to earth to die!
Why? This was the will of the
Father that He would by means of His Wisdom become flesh to die so that the
debt owed to Him would be paid by the death of an innocent man, Jesus
Christ. The life and death of Jesus
Christ, the Messiah was foretold long before Jesus entered into this world as a
man. This is the gospel, Jesus Christ,
God, the Son of God, the Wisdom of God vouchsafed those chosen by God to have
eternal life and be removed from the curse of the Law. Law led us to know sin, to know by teaching
us how to live and what God demands of His children. But the Law could not save us in of itself, it required more, and
that more was the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Son, original sin by an innocent man, Adam, imbued to all of Adam’s
progeny, the curse, and that curse was death.
By the life of one man, a man who had no outside influence other than
his own desire to please himself brought death. By the life of one man, Jesus Christ, and by His death brought
life back to man. The debt was paid,
and this payment was paid by the One who was owed the payment. Knowing that man could not pay this debt,
God paid the debt Himself. Now, the
question is: Are you living by faith?
Do you believe that God paid this debt you owe? If so then why are you living as though this
is not true? Are you following others
who are bewitching you with false teaching (Galatians 3:1)? Jesus Christ has redeemed us, and we are
free from the curse of the law, death does not have any hold on us for we will
after our death will live forever with Him.
We are already legally in heaven, Jesus redeemed us, so why are we not
doing what the Law demands of us, leading us to live according to the
redemption given to us freely. Not
because we follow the law, rather by our faith, and by our conversion to Jesus
Christ we allow God’s law to operate in our lives. We are not children of this
world, we are the children of God. You
are not what you were and now you are what God by His Spirit leads into, a life
lived according to His will. Do you
want the blessing given to Abraham, that blessing for all people, both Jews
and Gentiles? We can have it now! We have by means of that blessing received
the promise of the Spirit and this by our faith. Faith is not some word that we apply to ourselves so that we
might feel pious, no, it is faith in God, in His Son, and in the Holy
Spirit. It is this faith that we live
for God and not for ourselves.
Are we so
stupid that having once received the Holy Spirit to become foolish? Are we allowing ourselves to be bewitched so
that we do not follow the truth? We
begin in our faith to God so why are we returning to the flesh? There are those who may be perplexing you
and are reversing the gospel to make it sound so plausible, so truth, yet it is
subverted. To listen to such ones is to
lapse into flesh and to become carnal and leave behind spiritual things. Have you undergone many things without
reason? That is if it was done without
reason. You may have already endured
many things for your faith, but have become fearful and allowed yourself to be
placed by under works. God’s love has
been diffused into your hearts and you can conquer fear by love since by God
and His love being in your hearts those things you may suffer due to your faith
can be conquered. You are not alone in
this fight for you have the Holy Spirit the promised blessing spread abroad in
your heart, in your mind, and you can draw upon this power by prayer and by
your will to follow the truth. Are you
afraid of being a spectacle for Jesus Christ: “But recall the former days in
which, after you were illuminated, you endured to a great struggle with
sufferings: partly while you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and
tribulations, and partly while you became companions of those who were so
treated; for you had compassion on me in my chains, and joyfully accepted the
plundering of your goods, knowing that you have a better and an enduring
possession for yourselves in heaven” (Hebrew 10: 32–34). Who are you pleasing? God, or yourself? Don’t cast away what God has supplied: “Therefore
do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that
after you have done the will of God you may receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:
35–36). Are we now speaking of the
promise given to Abraham? Yes, but
more, than just a promise of the Holy Spirit, a blessing greater: “For yet a
little while, and he who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; but if
anyone draws back, My soul ahs no pleasure in him (cf. Romans 1:17: Galatians
3:11; Habukkuk 2:3–4). But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but
of those who believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:39).
We are a
child of God. We have the promise of
God. We have the power of God to live according to His will by the living Holy Spirit
in our lives. Why be foolish? Endure to the end and receive the blessing
of eternal life that is yours now and cannot be taking away from you. We can live in this life in joy and love.
Let Your mercies come also to me,
Your salvation according to Your word.
So shall I have
an answer for
Him who reproaches men, for I trust
In Your
Psalm 119: 41–42
Enjoy this life God has given you
Richard L. Crumb
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