Wednesday, October 31, 2012

History: Guide For The Present Age

Grace to you and peace from God the Father
and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself
for our sins, that He might deliver us from 
this present evil age, according to the will of
our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Galatians 1:3-5

            Man from the beginning of time unto this present age have been curious in regards to history and how history has application for their present age. The Christian Religion professes that the foundations of its faith are rooted in history, therefore, history has special interest for the Christian. The Christian Religion has as its greatest foundation that God became man and lived on this earth as the Son of God in time and space. Those of the Christian Religion develop a profound interest in history, especially how history of the Scriptures may enlighten them, therefore, this interest involves an interest in his/her spiritual ancestry. A person who simply relies on faith alone often cares little as to history for the development of their faith. Their faith may be more aligned with common sense. Common sense is not faith, and, faith is not common sense. Faith does include common sense but is not the basis for faith, that basis is the person of Jesus Christ. Common sense may be applied in their search for answers and their approach in a methodical manner, but, it must be admitted that faith, for some, is more commons sense and an internal belief, an internal emotional expression that causes a person to feel pious. Having a faith that is not from something or someone external is wrong by the fact that faith stands outside of revealed facts. Faith cannot be faith if a person has facts in his presence. Often though  having faith internally leads to emotion, that emotion has as its base common sense and not due to the Person of Jesus Christ. Faith based simply on emotion or common sense does not grow any larger than a person’s reliance on common sense. A study of history will give information that will aid in growth of faith, but that information will not save a person. Information is necessary for growth of faith, and our first source of information is Scripture. Yet, when we consult Scripture we find questions that need to be answered; therefore, a study of history will aid us in finding answers. Common sense will be the approach to any study of history, but faith in an unseen God is external and He is revealed by facts, both by Scripture and the external world, and by the Holy Spirit which imbues a person with faith (Ephesians 2:8). The common sense and methodical approach to study history is not to prove that God exists, rather it is to aid us in the growth of our faith. This growth in faith enables a person to be prepared to face opposition, and sanctifies a person in their daily life as Authentic Biblical Christians.
            As faith has, for some, a basis in common sense, and the Authentic Biblical Christian has their faith based upon the Person Jesus Christ, we must define faith as to those two concepts. Faith as a word has more than one meaning and so does the word history. To avoid problems that might occur in our study of history the definition of history must be outlined, especially church history. History must become a Guide for this present age, and future ages. A person not having the knowledge of the past does not only have the possibility of repeating the past, either good things or bad things; he has no understanding of himself and how he acts and believes as the past does affect the future; he knows he exists and may have some historical knowledge but as to the “why” things are they are, a study of history is necessary. If a person does not know the history of himself, his nation, his religion, etc., he will not know how questions and problems have come to be and if he does not know the problem he will not be able to determine a solution. Therefore, the study of history is very important and must be done so that we are able to live in this life as good citizens, and furthermore, as Authentic Biblical Christians. First then is to come to an understanding of words for any understanding will make cause for interpretation of any data. This interpretation may be proper or it may not be proper and then the question arises as to how would anyone know if an interpretation of data is correct and proper? This is what is to be covered in this essay. Scripture gives historicity of people and places but not a study of history. Herodotus is considered to be the first to study history: “The histories by the Greek researcher Herodotus of Halicarnassus (fifth century BCE) are the world’s first historical study”[1] The English word, history, came from the Greek word historia, which is derived from the Greek verb, historew. The Attic language of the Greeks used this word to mean to learn by inquiry or investigation. Paul used this word in Galatians 1:18 in his interview with Peter in Jerusalem. This word may be enquired for this definition in Strong’s concordance #2477, historew. This is Paul’s meaning of the word for Paul inquired from Peter information and that information would be historical in nature.
            In time the Greeks began to use the word, historikos, for history. This is a noun, not a verb and it indicates a product, the record; whereas, historia, indicates a process. Most modern historians use, historikos, or product, that history is a product. History then refers to; event, documents, process, or product. Example: Charlemagne in 800 A.D. was emperor of Rome and this was an historic event. Historians will take an event(s) and attempt to ascertain the facts of an event and find a process. This attempt should not be a syllogism as in the formula; A=C, therefore B is A. Product and process cannot be so easily conjoined as I will demonstrate later in this essay. The account of Charlemagne is a fact and is history and is a product; this is an absolute. History as a product is absolute and cannot be changed, once this event occurs. A process is different for as it is relative and subject to change as data become available. Also, the men who interpret data also change in who are interpreting and due to having a different perspective. These men enter into this investigation with presuppositions; therefore even the historians must be placed under the microscope and be examined. As can be ascertained that any study of history is an enormous work that must be carefully done.
            The definition of history may be defined thusly; the interpreted record of human past based upon data collected. This collection of data must be received through the scientific method, the archeological, literally, or living sources. Included in this investigation of history is culture, both governmental and religious as these are necessary if one is to ascertain true history, that includes especially the history of the Christian Religion. Furthermore, the approach to this study, of history, must be as impartial as possible by the investigator. While absolute impartiality is impossible, there must be an intentional impartiality knowing that their neutrality is governed by their presuppositions and the framework of interpretation.
            As Christians we are concerned with church history. Church history is the interpretation and organized story of the redemption of man by God and of earth. Therefore, history of the church is to be a record based upon the origin, the progress of Christianity, and what impact Christianity has had upon society. The collection and interpretation of data in regards to the Christian church is to be as with any other study, that is, by using scientific, archeological, documentary, and living sources as well as culture. We as Christians have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to aid us in our investigation and interpretation, and we have the inspired word of God which is a historical truth as God has revealed Himself to prophets of old, and of the disciples and men who being inspired gave us a historical narrative. The Christian Religion: the church in its historical investigation must not lag behind others who will interpret history without the aid of the Holy Spirit, rather by preformed ideologies and presuppositions that have not included God. If we don’t investigate history and make known the history of the Christian Religion, Authentic Biblical Faith, then some will be mislead away from the fellowship of believers into heresy. 

And this commandment we have from Him:
     that he who loves God must love his brother also.
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ
     is born of God, and everyone who loves Him
who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him.
                                              1John 4:21; 5:1-2

Make Your Love a Principled Love: A Love of God

Richard L. Crumb 

[1] Herodotus, Histories 1.189-191: retrieved from the internet 10/29/2012: html#Herodotus

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