For the weapons of our
warfare are not carnal
but mighty in God
for pulling down strongholds,
casting down arguments
and every high thing that
exalts itself against the
knowledge of God, bringing
knowledge of God, bringing
every thought into captivity
to the obedience of Christ.
2Corinthians 10:4-5
Paul in writing to the Corinthian Church, a Church that constantly had problems, especially problems with authority, as I pointed out in regards to the letter to them by Clement of Rome, and especially as the Bible so clearly indicates by the letters of Paul. We are to pull down strongholds, we are to cast down arguments, those arguments that so plagued the Church that are arguments of matters of indifference, yet we are to oppose those things that exalt itself against the knowledge of God; these are matter of importance and the Bible is the guide for all things and must be used in matters of importance, especially where people misuse the Bible for reasons that are unscriptural. A simple matter of indifference is that of the Lord's Supper and how often it should be celebrated, which of course is not given to us in the Bible, rather it says: "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes" (1Corinthians 11:26). Another matter that has had much debate is that of baptism, should it be done by immersion, pouring, how many times should a person be immersed, should children by baptized, etc.? Baptism is important, but it is not done to save a person, rather for a person to do as an open act demonstrating their faith in God for the forgiveness of their sins. What if you don't get baptized, I think of the thief on the cross with Jesus who Jesus said would be with Him in Paradise? He was not baptized! Much intolerance between Christians have done nothing more than to bring upon the Church condemnation. There are more examples that could be used, but I am not attempting to address them, but there is one such debate that has plagued the Church especially since liberal Christianity has found its way into the Church. That debate is whether or not a woman can be a leader in the Church, a pastor in the Church, or can teach men? I have read both sides, and it is the Bible that will be the guide. I spent much time on the fact that the Bible is infallible and is the rule of life, and that a person must use a translation that is founded upon the facts that God has preserved His word, and that there is a translation(s) that are faithful to what was originally written. Let us look at the facts.
I will attempt to keep this as clear as possible and will use what the Bible has shown us as the will of God in this matter. First, Adam was made first, not Eve. God could have made Eve first, then Adam, but He didn't! If all God wanted was for man to procreate by Him making a woman and a man, then the order of who came first is of not of significance. But He didn't! So there must be a reason why He did what He did, for God does nothing without His reason. Moses was a man and in leadership, God could have called a woman from the people of Israel to do His work. He didn't! Some will point out these women as proof that God uses woman in leadership and that this proof is reason enough for women to be in leadership today: they are: Deborah, Huldah, Miriam, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, Junia, Phoebe, Tabitha, and Priscilla. God will use whomever He chooses to use whenever He chooses to use them. Because God chooses a thing for a time does not mean that this is what God has set forth as the way He desires His people to be governed. Jesus Christ did not choose a woman to be one of the twelve, and those Apostles did not choose a woman to replace Judas Iscariot. They could of if that was what they understood to be the will of God. It wasn't! Paul was chosen by direct revelation of Jesus Christ. The first officials of the Church were men. Did women play a role in teaching and being a witness to the Gospel? Yes! Various officials were assigned in the Church, some were to be pastors, some were to care for the sick, and the needs of the congregants. In fact Paul makes note of this fact that the Church is like a human body, it has various parts, doing various functions, but all are the body. Our concern as the opening Scripture so noted, that we are not to allow things to exalt themselves over Scripture. Writing to Timothy, Paul is addressing that both men and women have one mediator and that mediator is Jesus Christ. Furthermore, he was appointed as preacher and apostle, then men are to be praying everywhere. Turning his attention then to women that they are to dress properly, something which has been abandoned by many women in the Church today, and the doing that which is proper in their professing godliness, this is to be don with good works. Now, Paul address what has become a huge debate in the modern Church: "Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. for Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression? (1Timothy 2:4-14). Some may cavil at this and call me an chauvinistic "pig." I am not! Women have such an important role in life, in the Church, in the family, and this importance must never be slighted in any way. God set the standard. Unfortunately man has fallen victim to the culture that has developed over the years and are not taking responsibility for their roles, in life, in Church, and in the family. It is not enough to believe that the Bible is infallible, even Satan would agree with that, it is only effective as when it is applied to a person's life. Then God will bless those efforts. Our faith, and that is what this blog is all about, should be strengthened and in line with what the Bible teaches, not what we want the Bible to say. Men are not to overlord their wives, their children, the Church, rather they are to show the love of God. There is a moral deficiency in the Church due to the fact that men are not taking responsibility and handing over to what the Bible teaches against. Many excuses are given, too much work, to much to do, etc. as though women are not busy, or that somehow they can do things better. They can! In some things, but they have the responsibility for the Church, they are going to be held accountable for how the Church performs it mission. I am not speaking of importance, that is, that man is more important than a woman, rather I am speaking of authority, and man has been placed by God in authority. We must not confuse or conjoin those two terms.
One such person to give credence that a woman can teach in the Church is Phoebe: "I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the Church in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also" (Romans 16:1-2). The knowledge of language could not be more important as in this passage where the Greek word: "διάκονος" is used and has the meaning of:Taken from Strong's Concordance #1249:
One such person to give credence that a woman can teach in the Church is Phoebe: "I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the Church in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also" (Romans 16:1-2). The knowledge of language could not be more important as in this passage where the Greek word: "διάκονος" is used and has the meaning of:Taken from Strong's Concordance #1249:
1) one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant, minister
a) the servant of a king
b) a deacon, one who, by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church, cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use
c) a waiter, one who serves food and drink
This Greek word finds its root in: Probably from an obsolete diako (to run on errands, cf διώκω.
This definition makes it clear as to how Phoebe worked in the Church and with the saints; remember the saints are not just men in authority, they are all Christians. No passage in the Bible indicates that any women were appointed to any specific office of work in the Church like elders and deacons because any appointment to those in oversight is outlined as to the required qualifications (Titus 1:1, 1Timothy 3). It must be remembered that Eve attempted to to take the leadership role and made the decision to disobey God without consulting her husband. This was and is today a colossal blunder, God required that she should be in subjection to her husband. But what of Adam, he failed, he allowed his authority, his position given to him by God, to acquiesce to Eve. This is done with men today.
God is Good, Just, Providential, Merciful, full of Grace, and He has kept His word so that we can known Him, and live as He had determined we should. All is true! We, on the other hand, must live as He intended for us to do. We are His ambassadors and we cannot allow the culture of the world to dictate to us how we should operate the Church. They do not believe in God! But how did we get to this point where women are teaching men? Women in pastorship? Why is not the Bible guiding us? One most important change that began and can be seen in the Bible and in literature of those early days is liberation of women. In some circles that is important, such as Islam, etc. How has this liberation come about so as to infect the Church. Why has man allowed the authority given to him by God by given over to what the Bible clearly teaches against? This will be covered in the next blogs. Why? So that we regain what has been lost. So that man will once again take their responsible places, in the Church, in their families, and in life. Has the world changed? Yes! Some of us who have spent the last 60-70 years on this earth have seen the change and that change has not been for the better. This is important but remember this is not to place man above woman: this is to place man and woman in the economy of God, His arrangement, and when this is done, God will bless.
Now may the God of hope
fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Jesus Is Your Savior-Man, Woman, and Children
Richard L. Crumb
This definition makes it clear as to how Phoebe worked in the Church and with the saints; remember the saints are not just men in authority, they are all Christians. No passage in the Bible indicates that any women were appointed to any specific office of work in the Church like elders and deacons because any appointment to those in oversight is outlined as to the required qualifications (Titus 1:1, 1Timothy 3). It must be remembered that Eve attempted to to take the leadership role and made the decision to disobey God without consulting her husband. This was and is today a colossal blunder, God required that she should be in subjection to her husband. But what of Adam, he failed, he allowed his authority, his position given to him by God, to acquiesce to Eve. This is done with men today.
God is Good, Just, Providential, Merciful, full of Grace, and He has kept His word so that we can known Him, and live as He had determined we should. All is true! We, on the other hand, must live as He intended for us to do. We are His ambassadors and we cannot allow the culture of the world to dictate to us how we should operate the Church. They do not believe in God! But how did we get to this point where women are teaching men? Women in pastorship? Why is not the Bible guiding us? One most important change that began and can be seen in the Bible and in literature of those early days is liberation of women. In some circles that is important, such as Islam, etc. How has this liberation come about so as to infect the Church. Why has man allowed the authority given to him by God by given over to what the Bible clearly teaches against? This will be covered in the next blogs. Why? So that we regain what has been lost. So that man will once again take their responsible places, in the Church, in their families, and in life. Has the world changed? Yes! Some of us who have spent the last 60-70 years on this earth have seen the change and that change has not been for the better. This is important but remember this is not to place man above woman: this is to place man and woman in the economy of God, His arrangement, and when this is done, God will bless.
Now may the God of hope
fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Jesus Is Your Savior-Man, Woman, and Children
Richard L. Crumb
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