Yours, O LORD,
is the greatness,
the power and the glory,
the victory and the majesty;
for all that is in heaven
and in earth
is yours;
yours is the kingdom,
and your are exalted
as head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:11
is the greatness,
the power and the glory,
the victory and the majesty;
for all that is in heaven
and in earth
is yours;
yours is the kingdom,
and your are exalted
as head over all.
1 Chronicles 29:11
Much has been written in regards to our being able to know that there is a God, and that knowledge is of our constitution, our very nature. Therefore man is without excuse. To know there is a God is one thing, but to know, believe, and understand His Sovereignty is another matter. Many have attempted to grapple with the question of God's Sovereignty. The word sovereignty is almost pejorative in some Churches and hardly ever mentioned so that many churchgoers do not have much knowledge on this subject. I expect that some will object to the findings and others may even try to cajole me into some sort of middle ground; this will not happen for it will be Scripture itself that will illuminate and shine its light on this subject. Any disapproval is a disapproval of the clear teaching of the Bible. Even in the circles of theologians there is much debate, especially since many theologians themselves rely mostly on rationalism to determine what the Bible actually says and hold to many doctrines that are not Biblical. It is this leaven that has for many years, some 200 or more that has permeated the Church, that is those who go to Church and those who rely solely on what the pastor says, or teaches. They do not take the time to search the Scriptures even though those very Scriptures admonish us, even command us to be diligent in searching God's Word. Even among those theologians considered Orthodox will be found to be heterodox. They may be sound and on the "spot" with some truths, yet be found not sound in doctrine. What is seen is that many do not believe, teach, or regard the fact that man is in complete ruin, totally depraved. They speak of "free will" and insist that man can by his own power either accept or reject the Savior. There may be a few who accept the condition of the children of Adam as being entirely hopeless,yet there are fewer who will accept and believe in the absolute Sovereignty of God.
What is meant by this expression: The Sovereignty of God? It is the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the Godhead of God. It is to declare that He is God, that God is God! It is to say that He is the Most High and doing according to His Will among those in heaven and those and upon the earth. God being Almighty then it is true that none can surpass His power, His counsel, His purpose cannot be thwarted, He cannot be defeated and He governs as the Governor of all nations. It is the Psalmist who declares: "But our God is in heaven; he does whatever He pleases" (Psalm 115:3). Furthermore, the Psalmist speaking of God (vs. 1) says: "For the kingdom is the LORD's, and He rules over the nations" (Psalm 22:28). It is God who determines the course of nations and peoples: He does what pleaseth Him: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10). God is our only potentate, the King of kings, the Lord of lords: "Which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of lords" (1 Timothy 6:15). This is the God of the Bible.
How different is the modern day conception of God. Far from the Bible is the teaching within so many Churches today, those who profess to teach and heed the Scriptures. Unfortunately, the travesty is blasphemous of truth. It will be shown that to so many Christians and Christian Churches God is an effeminate Being who commands the respect of no really thoughtful man. Let me state this: For a pastor or anyone for that matter to say that God, the Father, The Son, the Holy Spirit has purposed to save mankind and that Jesus Christ died upon the cross to save the whole human race and that God and the Holy Spirit is seeking, now, to win the world to Christ, when with little amount of observation it is apparent that a great majority of mankind are dying in sin. To observe that many in the world are lost into a hopeless eternity is to say that mankind has disappointed God, that Jesus Christ is disappointed because, according to some, did He not die on the cross to save the world? All that then is being said is that God is "trying to do His best" to save mankind but the majority of mankind will not allow Him to save them.
What they are saying is that God is impotent and that the will of mankind is omnipotent. To say as that comedian from the past; Flip Wilson, "the Devil made me do it" is not sufficient for Satan is defeating the purpose of God, then God is not Sovereign. God cannot effect His purpose. This then is the thrust of these next blogs; to bring to light that God is Sovereign and that He is in control of all things, that nothing is done that is not decreed or preordained by Him. This will challenge some of you but if you become as the Bereans and faithfully check out all that is written, I believe you will come to the truth, not mine, not some writer no matter how sound they are, rather the truth, that is God's Word. This is the introduction, next comes the Doctrine of Sovereignty and all it entails.
So the people stood
far off,
but Moses drew near
the thick darkness
where God was.
Exodus 20:21
Remember in Your Times of Trials
God is present in those trials.
Richard L. Crumb
What is meant by this expression: The Sovereignty of God? It is the supremacy of God, the kingship of God, the Godhead of God. It is to declare that He is God, that God is God! It is to say that He is the Most High and doing according to His Will among those in heaven and those and upon the earth. God being Almighty then it is true that none can surpass His power, His counsel, His purpose cannot be thwarted, He cannot be defeated and He governs as the Governor of all nations. It is the Psalmist who declares: "But our God is in heaven; he does whatever He pleases" (Psalm 115:3). Furthermore, the Psalmist speaking of God (vs. 1) says: "For the kingdom is the LORD's, and He rules over the nations" (Psalm 22:28). It is God who determines the course of nations and peoples: He does what pleaseth Him: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10). God is our only potentate, the King of kings, the Lord of lords: "Which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of Kings and Lord of lords" (1 Timothy 6:15). This is the God of the Bible.
How different is the modern day conception of God. Far from the Bible is the teaching within so many Churches today, those who profess to teach and heed the Scriptures. Unfortunately, the travesty is blasphemous of truth. It will be shown that to so many Christians and Christian Churches God is an effeminate Being who commands the respect of no really thoughtful man. Let me state this: For a pastor or anyone for that matter to say that God, the Father, The Son, the Holy Spirit has purposed to save mankind and that Jesus Christ died upon the cross to save the whole human race and that God and the Holy Spirit is seeking, now, to win the world to Christ, when with little amount of observation it is apparent that a great majority of mankind are dying in sin. To observe that many in the world are lost into a hopeless eternity is to say that mankind has disappointed God, that Jesus Christ is disappointed because, according to some, did He not die on the cross to save the world? All that then is being said is that God is "trying to do His best" to save mankind but the majority of mankind will not allow Him to save them.
What they are saying is that God is impotent and that the will of mankind is omnipotent. To say as that comedian from the past; Flip Wilson, "the Devil made me do it" is not sufficient for Satan is defeating the purpose of God, then God is not Sovereign. God cannot effect His purpose. This then is the thrust of these next blogs; to bring to light that God is Sovereign and that He is in control of all things, that nothing is done that is not decreed or preordained by Him. This will challenge some of you but if you become as the Bereans and faithfully check out all that is written, I believe you will come to the truth, not mine, not some writer no matter how sound they are, rather the truth, that is God's Word. This is the introduction, next comes the Doctrine of Sovereignty and all it entails.
So the people stood
far off,
but Moses drew near
the thick darkness
where God was.
Exodus 20:21
Remember in Your Times of Trials
God is present in those trials.
Richard L. Crumb
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