Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Is The Gospel? The Reality Is: Redemption

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be
 an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 
(which He had promised afore by His prophets 
in the holy scriptures,) concerning His  Son Jesus 
Christ our Lord, which was made of the 
seed of David according to the flesh; and declared
 to be the Son of God with power, according 
to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from 
the dead: by whom we have received grace 
and apostleship, for obedience to the faith 
among all nations, for His name: among whom 
are ye also the called of Jesus Christ.
Romans 1:1-6

     This epistle by Paul and about his calling to be a servant of God must not be mistaken that this calling was not for all who claim Jesus Christ as Savior. Notice that from the singular about himself he goes on in the plural (we) and that we have also received apostleship. Apostleship means in the Greek, not just a person, but a person who is sent to do something and that something for Authentic Christians is  to be obedient, and to take the Gospel (that is being obedient) into all the world (Acts 1:8). 
     What has occurred throughout Church history is a falling away from this fact that we are not primarily to be holy men and women, but to be proclaimers of the Gospel of God. The Gosple is to be realized as the abiding reality, not human goodness, nor holiness, nor heaven, nor hell; but Redemption, that is the Gospel. It is redemption that is the true reality and the most vital need for Christian workers today. We, as Authentic Christians must get used to the fact of the revelation that Redemption is the only reality. Personal holiness is only and effect of Redemption, not the cause, and if we place or faith in human goodness, the the effect of Redemption will not stand the test. As long as we have our eyes on ourselves, our personal whiteness, we shall never get near the reality of Redemption. God cannot bless, cannot deliver you or me if there is no reckless abandon to God. If our interest is in ourselves, in your one character, you will not be recklessly abandon to God, to His Gospel. We will not be able to be used of God as God intends to use us.
     Is history important? Well, Paul wrote: "but when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Galatians 4:4-6). History has informed us, that is if we will allow it to do so, that the Greeks, the Romans, and all other nations before Christ contributed to the preparation for the appearance of Jesus Christ. Yes, some of the contributions were negative in their impact on the world but they did still contribute to the development in time, this historical development to the point whereby Jesus Christ could make the maximum impact upon history that was not available in history before or since His birth. Let us continue to read what Clement of Rome wrote for in history of the Church he was an early father of the Church, a friend and associate of the apostles of Jesus Christ.
     "The heavens, revolving under His government, are subject to Him in peace. Day and night run the course appointed by Him, in no wise hindering each other. The sun and moon, with the companies of the stars, roll on in harmony according to His command, within their prescribed limits, and without any deviation. The fruitful earth, according to His will, brings forth food in abundance, at the proper seasons, for man and beast and all the living beings upon it, never hesitating, nor changing any of the ordinances which He has fixed. The unsearchable places of abysses, and the indescribable arrangements of the lower world, are restrained by the same laws. The vast unmeasurable sea, gathered together by His working into various basins, (Or, “collections.”) never passes beyond the bounds placed around it, but does as He has commanded. For He said, “Thus far shalt thou come, and thy waves shall be broken within thee.” (Job xxxviii. 11.) The ocean, impassable to man, and the worlds beyond it, are regulated by the same enactments of the Lord. The seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, peacefully give place to one another. The winds in their several quarters (Or, “stations.”) fulfill, at the proper time, their service without hindrance. The ever-flowing fountains, formed both for enjoyment and health, furnish without fail their breasts for the life of men. The very smallest of living beings meet together in peace and concord. All these the great Creator and Lord of all has appointed to exist in peace and harmony; while He does good to all, but most abundantly to us who have fled for refuge to His compassions through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory and majesty for ever and ever. Amen. 
     Take heed, beloved, lest His many kindnesses lead to the condemnation of us all. [For thus it must be] unless we walk worthy of Him, and with one mind do those things which are good and well-pleasing in His sight. For [the Scripture] saith in a certain place, “The Spirit of the Lord is a candle searching the secret parts of the belly.” (Prov. xx. 27.) Let us reflect how near He is, and that none of the thoughts or reasonings in which we engage are hid from Him. It is right, therefore, that we should not leave the post which His will has assigned us. Let us rather offend those men who are foolish, and inconsiderate, and lifted up, and who glory in the pride of their speech, than [offend] God. Let us reverence the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was given for us; let us esteem those who have the rule over us; (Comp. Heb. xiii. 17; 1 Thess. v. 12, 13.) let us honour the aged   (Or, “the presbyters.”) among us; let us train up the young men in the fear of God; let us direct our wives to that which is good. Let them exhibit the lovely habit of purity [in all their conduct]; let them show forth the sincere disposition of meekness; let them make manifest the command which they have of their tongue, by their manner (Some read, “by their silence.”) of speaking; let them display their love, not by preferring (Comp. 1 Tim. v. 21.) one to another, but by showing equal affection to all that piously fear God. Let your children be partakers of true Christian training; let them learn of how great avail humility is with God—how much the spirit of pure affection can prevail with Him—how excellent and great His fear is, and how it saves all those who walk in (Some translate, “who turn to Him.”) it with a pure mind. For He is a Searcher of the thoughts and desires [of the heart]: His breath is in us; and when He pleases, He will take it away."
     Now the faith which is in Christ confirms all these [admonitions]. For He Himself by the Holy Ghost thus addresses us: “Come, ye children, hearken unto Me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desireth life, and loveth to see good days? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are [open] unto their prayers. The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous cried, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him out of all his troubles.” “Many are the stripes [appointed for] the wicked; but mercy shall compass those about who hope in the Lord.” (Ps. xxxii. 10.)
     These early Church fathers had to fight, and we also, heresy. What is heresy? It if first a religious opinion at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, the rejection of the true articles of Authentic Christian Faith that was taught by Jesus Christ, His disciples, and those who learned from those disciples the truth. Man has done much to become heretics by adding that which is not the Gospel. 

Knowest thou not this of old,
    since man was placed upon the earth,
that the triumphing of the wicked is short, 
    and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment.
                    Job 20:5

Jesus Christ came to redeem, that is Gospel

Richard L. Crumb

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Value Of Knowing Church History

Now these things were our examples,
 to the intent we should not lust after evil things, 
as they also lusted.....Now all these things
 happened unto them for examples: 
and they are written for our admonition, 
upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Corinthians 10:6,11 

     We are admonished to know our history, our Church history as they were written for our examples. How can they be an example for us if we do not come to know them? We must remember that those different beliefs and liturgical practices become understandable, but knowledge or understanding does not mean acceptance, only that we now understand and can make good judgment. Church history will be a guide for you if you allow it to guide you as it is a way of correction of existing evils within the Church, even to aid us to avoid error and false practice. Often, when we study Church history those new sects will often be revealed as old heresies n a new guise. It is this ignorance of Church history why many advocate false theologies and bad practices. It is true that Church history will add or offer edification, inspiration or enthusiasm that will stimulate high spiritual life. There is a need for a Christian to become aware of his/her spiritual genealogy in order to become an intelligent Authentic Christian. There is a fear for the future of the Christian Church as it is being bombarded from many sides and beliefs, but by knowing Church history, seeing and becoming aware of those who withstood persecution will be able to see how they stood firm against false theology and will be able to see the renewal that is revealed in history of the revival of the Church. it is influence, this study that offers a stabilizing influence in our age of secularism. We will see the hand of God, the power of God operating in past history and will have confidence He will do the same in our present day. Clement of Rome continues:
     "Thus the humility and godly submission of so great and illustrious men have rendered not only us, but also all the generations before us, better; even as many as have received His oracles in fear and truth. Wherefore, having so many great and glorious examples set before us, let us turn again to the practice of that peace which from the beginning was the mark set before us; (Literally, “Becoming partakers of many great and glorious deeds, let us return to the aim of peace delivered to us from the beginning.” Comp. Heb. xii. 1.) and let us look stedfastly to the Father and Creator of the universe, and cleave to His mighty and surpassingly great gifts and benefactions of peace. Let us contemplate Him with our understanding, and look with the eyes of our soul to His long-suffering will. Let us reflect how free from wrath He is towards all His creation." 
     "Take heed, beloved, lest His many kindnesses lead to the condemnation of us all. [For thus it must be] unless we walk worthy of Him, and with one mind do those things which are good and well-pleasing in His sight. For [the Scripture] saith in a certain place, “The Spirit of the Lord is a candle searching the secret parts of the belly.” (Prov. xx. 27.) Let us reflect how near He is, and that none of the thoughts or reasonings in which we engage are hid from Him. It is right, therefore, that we should not leave the post which His will has assigned us. Let us rather offend those men who are foolish, and inconsiderate, and lifted up, and who glory in the pride of their speech, than [offend] God. Let us reverence the Lord Jesus Christ, whose blood was given for us; let us esteem those who have the rule over us; (Comp. Heb. xiii. 17; 1 Thess. v. 12, 13.) let us honour the aged   Or, “the presbyters.” among us; let us train up the young men in the fear of God; let us direct our wives to that which is good. Let them exhibit the lovely habit of purity [in all their conduct];) let them show forth the sincere disposition of meekness; let them make manifest the command which they have of their tongue, by their manner (Some read, “by their silence.”) of speaking; let them display their love, not by preferring (Comp. 1 Tim. v. 21.) one to another, but by showing equal affection to all that piously fear God. Let your children be partakers of true Christian training; let them learn of how great avail humility is with God—how much the spirit of pure affection can prevail with Him—how excellent and great His fear is, and how it saves all those who walk in (Some translate, “who turn to Him.”) it with a pure mind. For He is a Searcher of the thoughts and desires [of the heart]: His breath is in us; and when He pleases, He will take it away."
     We have many great examples of faith and true godly practices so we do not have an excuse for ignorance. We have a God, a Savior Who is with us even if we do not feel His presence. We are to fear God and keep His commandments: this is Authentic Christian Faith.

My beloved is mine,
     and I am His:
He feedeth His flock among 
    the lilies. 
Until the day break, and the shadows 
    flee away, turn, my beloved, and be
Thou like a roe or a young hart upon the
    mountains of Bether.
                       Solomon's Song 2:16-17

Fear not: Be obedient and receive God's blessing

Richard L. Crumb

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Importance Of Obedience

Then peter and the other apostles 
answered and said, 
We ought to obey God 
rather than men.
Acts 5:29

             Last blog I wrote about the necessity of history, especially of Church history. There is value in history, and much more so as to church history. History has a bad “rap,” many attempt to avoid the subject and this would be so true if it was only from a dreary academic exercise in the remembering of facts, that is, unless some thought is given to its value, especially to those who desire to be Authentic Christians, to have Authentic Christian Faith. Today, unlike the early ancient historians, we have lost the higher appreciation of the pragmatic, didactic, and moral values of history. We can achieve those important values if we study history, and important as to our Christian Church history. To study our Christian Church history will have a powerful motivating factor as we come to see the Spirit of God in action throughout Church history. Exegetical preaching, the most important form of preaching must be linked to practical theology and for us to see how systematic theology has had and made an important impact on previous thought and action.
            Church history as great value to an explanation of the present and we a have a better present understanding by understanding the roots of the past. Different beliefs and liturgical practices that may seem so hard to understand will become more understandable in light of past history. So I continue these blogs and relate to you what the early Church fathers taught and what changed throughout Church history leading up to our present day and the confusion due to the many different Church beliefs and practices. Our present day difficulties will be illuminated by our study of the past.
            We are called upon to obey, and we are called upon to be humble and this was also a problem in the early Church. Clement of Rome among other early Church fathers wrote about this and this history will aid us in our growth into Authentic Christian Faith. Clement of Rome writes:
“Let us therefore, brethren, be of humble mind, laying aside all haughtiness, and pride, and foolishness, and angry feelings; and let us act according to that which is written (for the Holy Spirit saith, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, neither let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth glory in the Lord, in diligently seeking Him, and doing judgment and righteousness” (Jer. ix. 23, 24; 1 Cor. i. 31; 2 Cor. x. 17. ), being especially mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus which He spake, teaching us meekness and long-suffering. For thus He spoke: “Be ye merciful, that ye may obtain mercy; forgive, that it may be forgiven to you; as ye do, so shall it be done unto you; as ye judge, so shall ye be judged; as ye are kind, so shall kindness be shown to you; with what measure ye mete, with the same it shall be measured to you.” (Comp. Matt. vi. 12–15, Matt. vii. 2; Luke vi. 36–38.) By this precept and by these rules let us establish ourselves, that we walk with all humility in obedience to His holy words. For the holy word saith, “On whom shall I look, but on him that is meek and peaceable, and that trembleth at My words?” (Isa. lxvi. 2.)
Let us cleave, therefore, to those who cultivate peace with godliness, and not to those who hypocritically profess to desire it. For [the Scripture] saith in a certain place, “This people honoureth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” (Isa. xxix. 13; Matt. xv. 8; Mark vii. 6.) And again: “They bless with their mouth, but curse with their heart.” (Ps. lxii. 4.) And again it saith, “They loved Him with their mouth, and lied to Him with their tongue; but their heart was not right with Him, neither were they faithful in His covenant.” (Ps. lxxviii. 36, 37.) “Let the deceitful lips become silent,” (Ps. xxxi. 18.) [and “let the Lord destroy all the lying lips, (These words within brackets are not found in the ms., but have been inserted from the Septuagint by most editors. ]) and the boastful tongue of those who have said, Let us magnify our tongue; our lips are our own; who is lord over us? For the oppression of the poor, and for the sighing of the needy, will I now arise, saith the Lord: I will place him in safety; I will deal confidently with him.”   (Ps. xii. 3–5.)”
It is right and holy therefore, men and brethren, rather to obey God than to follow those who, through pride and sedition, have become the leaders of a detestable emulation. For we shall incur no slight injury, but rather great danger, if we rashly yield ourselves to the inclinations of men who aim at exciting strife and tumults, so as to draw us away from what is good. Let us be kind one to another after the pattern of the tender mercy and benignity of our Creator. For it is written, “The kind-hearted shall inhabit the land, and the guiltless shall be left upon it, but transgressors shall be destroyed from off the face of it.” (Prov. ii. 21, 22.) And again [the Scripture] saith, “I saw the ungodly highly exalted, and lifted up like the cedars of Lebanon: I passed by, and, behold, he was not; and I diligently sought his place, and could not find it. Preserve innocence, and look on equity: for there shall be a remnant to the peaceful man.” (Ps. xxxvii. 35–37.) “Remnant” probably refers either to the memory or posterity of the righteous.”
            Obedience is to obey, seems simple, but it is not, for we all have a tendency to only do what pleases us and will make excuses as to be reasons for not following the commands of God. God has called us to obey. Here is a big problem in making excuses to be reasons: Marijuana! Marijuana is a Schedule 1 felony! Paul writes: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God? The powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God; and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” Oh! How we make all kinds of “reasons” to make this Schedule 1 felony to be a good thing: “It stops pain, and it stops nausea, and I feel so good when I use it,…etc….etc…. etc….! But it is a felony and we are told to obey God rather than man. What did Paul write? Do not obey God in this case of obeying the higher powers will cause you to receive to yourself damnation. History has shown to us what happens when we do not obey God and obey those who are opposed to God, to not obey God’s commandments. Read the history of the Hebrews, and then read the history of Lot, Jonah, Rahab, King David, King Solomon. We see both sides of this coin, which should instruct us as how to live in accordance to God’s command to obey Him. Will you?

Behold, I set before you this day
      A blessing and a curse.
A blessing, if you obey the commandments
     Of the LORD your God, which I commanded
You this day: and a curse, if ye will not obey the
     Commandments of the LORD your God,
But turn aside out of the way which I command you
     This day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.
                         Deuteronomy 11:26-28

What or who is your God?

Richard L. Crumb

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Importance Of Knowing Church History

But when it pleased God, who separated 
me from my mother's womb, and called me by 
His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might
 preach Him among the heathen; immediately 
I conferred not with flesh and blood
Galatians 1:15-16

     There is something in this verse that we must not mistake: yes, this is Paul speaking about himself, but God had this recorded for you and I so that we remember that it is God by His pleasure that has called you to be a witness to the Gospel. We must allow God to break into our every day life in whatever way He chooses, not the way we would like Him to reveal His pleasure. We must keep in close contact with God and make room for Him to come and come in His way. Yes, it is not wrong to go to an elder and ask Him questions about what you feel revealed to you, but this can only be truth if that elder goes to the Bible and not from his own presupposition or opinion. 
     I have been and will for a while keep writing as to the history of the early Church fathers. Christians have a special interest in history because the very foundations of the faith that is professed are rooted in history. Our English word "history" came down to us from the Greek word historia, which is derived from the Greek verb "historeo". This verb used by the Attic Greeks originally meant to learn by inquiry or investigation. This word is about the activities of one seeking knowledge. This word is used by Paul (Galatians 1:18) where the English translation is about acquaintance and is a good translation but the word means to ascertain by inquiry, to visit, an examination so one would in order to inquire to become acquainted with something or someone. The Greeks began to use the word "historikos" a noun, for history and there is a difference we must note: It indicated the product of inquire, the record, and the first, the process. History is absolute and cannot be changed once it happens, but history as sources, process and product is relative and subject to change. Therefore we must study history to find the truth. Church historians must be just, impartial in their collection of data of history. We must remember that Church historians are not neutral and will approach the data differently with a framework of interpretations (presuppositions). 
     Church history, then, is the interpreted record of the origin, progress and impact of Christianity upon human society, based upon organized data gathered by scientific method from archaelogical, documentary or living sources. Only if we take the time to study Church history will we have an accurate record of the story of Authentic Christian Faith. We must lag behind on this study: our faith is are risk!
     "On account of her faith and hospitality, Rahab the harlot was saved. For when spies were sent by Joshua, the son of Nun, to Jericho, the king of the country ascertained that they were come to spy out their land, and sent men to seize them, in order that, when taken, they might be put to death. But the hospitable Rahab receiving them, concealed them on the roof of her house under some stalks of flax. And when the men sent by the king arrived and said “There came men unto thee who are to spy out our land; bring them forth, for so the king commands,” she answered them, “The two men whom ye seek came unto me, but quickly departed again and are gone,” thus not discovering the spies to them. Then she said to the men, “I know assuredly that the Lord your God hath given you this city, for the fear and dread of you have fallen on its inhabitants. When therefore ye shall have taken it, keep ye me and the house of my father in safety.” And they said to her, “It shall be as thou hast spoken to us. As soon, therefore, as thou knowest that we are at hand, thou shalt gather all thy family under thy roof, and they shall be preserved, but all that are found outside of thy dwelling shall perish.” (Josh. ii.; Heb. xi. 31.) Moreover, they gave her a sign to this effect, that she should hang forth from her house a scarlet thread. And thus they made it manifest that redemption should flow through the blood of the Lord to all them that believe and hope in God. (Others of the Fathers adopt the same allegorical interpretation, e.g., Justin Mar., Dial. c. Tryph., n. 111; Irenæus, Adv. Hær., iv. 20. [The whole matter of symbolism under the law must be more thoroughly studied if we would account for such strong language as is here applied to a poetical or rhetorical figure.]) Ye see, beloved, that there was not only faith, but prophecy, in this woman."
     History is so important and our Bible records history so that our faith will be established, firm, undaunted. Clement instructs us to study and we have such history as that of Rahab. She was not an Israelite but she believed, at least in what she knew about the Hebrews and their God, and by faith hid the spies. But more, even after being told that she could be saved she had to do something: she had to put out a red cloth from her window. God will save you, but it is more than just belief, it is action, it is repentance, a turning around 180 degrees from the way you were living to a life manifesting Jesus Christ. God in His pleasure will save you, and more, He will by His pleasure to you guide you into service for Him, His way, not yours. You have the right to ignore the will or pleasure of God, and history had informed us as to the consequences of those who did not obey God. Think of this: Rahab became a descendant of Jesus Christ. You do not have to be a Hebrew, no, you must obey and God will cause you as you serve Him, by your inquiry into the history of the Church, make you acquainted with Him and your leading others into Authentic Christian Faith. What a privilege!

Then the LORD said unto me,
      the prophets prophesy lies in My name:
I sent them not, neither have I commanded
     them, neither spake unto them:
they prophesy unto you a false vision
    and divination, and a thing of nought,
and the deceit of their heart.
               Jeremiah 14:14

Learn Church history and avoid false teaching

Richard L. Crumb


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Repentance A Requirement For Salvation From Sin

Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? 
Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? 
I thank god that I baptized none of you, 
but Crispus and Gaius; lest any should 
say that I had baptized in mine won name.
 And I baptized also the household 
of Stephanas; besides I know not whether
 I baptized any other. For Christ sent me not 
to baptized, but to preach the gospel: 
not with wisdom of words, lest the cross 
of Christ should be made of none effect. 
For the preaching  of the cross is to them 
that perish foolishness;  
but unto us which are saved 
it is the power of God.
ICorinthians 1:13-17

            There is a struggling in Christianity, for all who claim to be Christian. There is no way around such a thing, as many have to endure, yet, remain faithful under harsh circumstances. Much or our conflict is not due to others who have confronted our beliefs, rather because we are lusting after, seeking that which are fruitless cares. Furthermore, we are all too willing to accept that which is told to us without checking to see if it is true. We do this also with much that is advertised telling us that there has been some sort of clinical trial, but never telling us who that clinic or given any information. Last nigh as I do from time to time took time to listen to Bill Johnson head pastor of the Bethel Church here in Redding and the School of the Supernatural. I do this to check to see if he is preaching the Gospel. Last nigh, once again, he spoke of a miracle where a person who had a metal rod placed into here arm to support the bone dissolved into nothing. He spoke of other miracles as though what he said was the truth and yet: no evidence given to support his anecdotal story. But people gobbled it up as truth. People are looking for miracles as though to give some credence to their belief. Listen to Clement of Rome and see what this early church father wrote for you and I:
     "These things, beloved, we write unto you, not merely to admonish you of your duty, but also to remind ourselves. For we are struggling on the same arena, and the same conflict is assigned to both of us. Wherefore let us give up vain and fruitless cares, and approach to the glorious and venerable rule of our holy calling. Let us attend to what is good, pleasing, and acceptable in the sight of Him who formed us. Let us look stedfastly to the blood of Christ, and see how precious that blood is to God, (Some insert “Father.”) which, having been shed for our salvation, has set the grace of repentance before the whole world. Let us turn to every age that has passed, and learn that, from generation to generation, the Lord has granted a place of repentance to all such as would be converted unto Him. Noah preached repentance, and as many as listened to him were saved. (Gen. vii.; 1 Pet. iii. 20; 2 Pet. ii. 5.) Jonah proclaimed destruction to the Ninevites; (Jon. iii.) but they, repenting of their sins, propitiated God by prayer, and obtained salvation, although they were aliens [to the covenant] of God.
      The ministers of the grace of God have, by the Holy Spirit, spoken of repentance; and the Lord of all things has himself declared with an oath regarding it, “As I live, saith the Lord, I desire not the death of the sinner, but rather his repentance;” (Ezek. xxxiii. 11.) adding, moreover, this gracious declaration, “Repent, O house of Israel, of your iniquity. (Ezek. xviii. 30.) Say to the children of My people, Though your sins reach from earth to heaven, and though they be redder   Comp. (Isa. i. 18.) than scarlet, and blacker than sackcloth, yet if ye turn to Me with your whole heart, and say, Father! I will listen to you, as to a holy   (These words are not found in Scripture, though they are quoted again by Clem. Alex. (Pædag., i. 10) as from Ezekiel. people.”) And in another place He speaks thus: “Wash you, and become clean; put away the wickedness of your souls from before mine eyes; cease from your evil ways, and learn to do well; seek out judgment, deliver the oppressed, judge the fatherless, and see that justice is done to the widow; and come, and let us reason together. He declares, Though your sins be like crimson, I will make them white as snow; though they be like scarlet, I will whiten them like wool. And if ye be willing and obey Me, ye shall eat the good of the land; but if ye refuse, and will not hearken unto Me, the sword shall devour you, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken these things.”9 Isa. i. 16–20.) Desiring, therefore, that all His beloved should be partakers of repentance, He has, by His almighty will, established [these declarations].
      Wherefore, let us yield obedience to His excellent and glorious will; and imploring His mercy and loving-kindness, while we forsake all fruitless labours, (Some read ματαιολογίαν, “vain talk.”) and strife, and envy, which leads to death, let us turn and have recourse to His compassions. Let us stedfastly contemplate those who have perfectly ministered to His excellent glory. Let us take (for instance) Enoch, who, being found righteous in obedience, was translated, and death was never known to happen to him. (Gen. v. 24; Heb. xi. 5.) Literally, “and his death was not found.” Noah, being found faithful, preached regeneration to the world through his ministry; and the Lord saved by him the animals which, with one accord, entered into the ark."
            Repentance is required of any who want to be saved: “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). It is not stories, nor miracles or anything else that we are to be concerned with, it is to repent and believe on Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Nothing has changed as to the message from the apostles and the early Church fathers. Think of this: they lived within a time just dome 30-50 years after the death of Jesus.
            Who are you listening too? Who has your attention? Is it some man who you have never tested as Philippians 5:21 instructs? Are you more concerned about living a life that manifest Jesus Christ who loved you enough to die for you and to remove all sin from you electing you to have eternal life: or miracles?

Woe to him that coveteth an evil covetousness
       to his house, that he may set his nest on high,
that he may be delivered from the power of evil!
                              Habakkuk 2:9
Do not just accept: prove!

Richard L. Crumb

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Schisms Among Christian Churches: Blemish

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of 
our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the 
same thing, and that there be no divisions 
among you; but that ye be perfectly joined 
together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 
For it hath been declared unto me of you, 
my brethren, by them which are of the 
house of Chloe, that there are contentions 
among you. Now this I say, that every one 
of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; 
and I of Cephas, and I of Christ. 
Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? 
Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? 
1Corinthians 1:10-13

     Paul, and others, Clement of Rome had to deal with divisions in the Church. The Greek word is a word that we translate as Schisms, or divisions. This word is important  because we see in the Christian Church today Schisms, divisions, mutually opposed parties. In the Church this schism or division is mostly over some doctrinal difference. Paul reminds us that we are to be "knit" together, that is to be of the same mind. It is this difference of mind and difference in judgment that causes much strife in the Church. That is, to you, and me, for there is so much preaching, violent at times preaching to prove that their doctrine is the only correct doctrine: it may be, but then, it may not be. Let me see.....Baptist (there are so many different types of Baptists), Presbyterian (there are so many different type of Presbyterians), Methodist, again so many types, Pentecostalism, (so many different types), and so many different doctrines that it is hard to know them all. 
     There are two things we must consider: 1. Matters of difference, and 2. Matters of indifference. How often do denominations make matters of indifference to be matters of difference. Matters of difference are such as the Trinity, the fact that only believers in Jesus Christ will receive salvation, or that we take communion as "often as we do." Baptism is a requirement for a believer to do as a sign of their repentance and acceptance. These are to be the characteristics that define Authentic Christianity, but here is the problem: these distinguishing elements of Authentic Christianity become matters of discord, and cause schisms. It is the lusts or desires, presuppositions as to theology that make the difference, that is the difference that Authentic Christianity has against the world that become so clouded that those who do not believe in Christianity mock Christianity over these schisms. I am a Calvinist, I believe in paedo-baptism, and sprinkling and see anyone that does not believe in this to be heretical, or that only wine must be used in communion, or that only unleavened bread is to be used, and if you use anything else, well, that is unscriptural (even though there are no Scriptures forbidding the use of other than wine or unleavened bread). I am a Methodist, and I believe in social issues (which are often places in higher priority over the Gospel). Or, I believe in speaking in some gibberish language, or believe in the gifts of healing, apostles in the modern times, and if you do not believe this, well.... this means you just may not be a Christian. On and on and on this goes, just like a merry-go-round. Clement of Rome had something to say about this:
       "For thus it is written: “And it came to pass after certain days, that Cain brought of the fruits of the earth a sacrifice unto God; and Abel also brought of the firstlings of his sheep, and of the fat thereof. And God had respect to Abel and to his offerings, but Cain and his sacrifices He did not regard. And Cain was deeply grieved, and his countenance fell. And God said to Cain, Why art thou grieved, and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou offerest rightly, but dost not divide rightly, hast thou not sinned? Be at peace: thine offering returns to thyself, and thou shalt again possess it. And Cain said to Abel his brother, Let us go into the field. And it came to pass, while they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.” (Gen. iv. 3–8. The writer here, as always, follows the reading of the Septuagint, which in this passage both alters and adds to the Hebrew text. We have given the rendering approved by the best critics; but some prefer to translate, as in our English version, “unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.” See, for an ancient explanation of the passage, Irenæus, Adv. Hær., iv. 18, 3.) Ye see, brethren, how envy and jealousy led to the murder of a brother. Through envy, also, our father Jacob fled from the face of Esau his brother. (Gen. xxvii. 41,) etc. Envy made Joseph be persecuted unto death, and to come into bondage.  (Gen. xxxvii.) Envy compelled Moses to flee from the face of Pharaoh king of Egypt, when he heard these words from his fellow-countryman, “Who made thee a judge or a ruler over us? wilt thou kill me, as thou didst kill the Egyptian yesterday?” (Ex. ii. 14.) On account of envy, Aaron and Miriam had to make their abode without the camp.  (Num. xii. 14, 15. [In our copies of the Septuagint this is not affirmed of Aaron.]) Envy brought down Dathan and Abiram alive to Hades, through the sedition which they excited against God’s servant Moses. (Num. xvi. 33.) Through envy, David underwent the hatred not only of foreigners, but was also persecuted by Saul king of Israel.(1 Kings xviii. 8, etc.)
But not to dwell upon ancient examples, let us come to the most recent spiritual heroes. (Literally, “those who have been athletes.”) Let us take the noble examples furnished in our own generation. Through envy and jealousy, the greatest and most righteous pillars [of the Church] have been persecuted and put to death. (Some fill up the lacuna here found in the ms. so as to read, “have come to a grievous death.”) Let us set before our eyes the illustrious ( Literally, “good.” [The martyrdom of St. Peter is all that is thus connected with his arrival in Rome. His numerous labours were restricted to the Circumcision.]) apostles. Peter, through unrighteous envy, endured not one or two, but numerous labours and when he had at length suffered martyrdom, departed to the place of glory due to him. Owing to envy, Paul also obtained the reward of patient endurance, after being seven times thrown into captivity, (Seven imprisonments of St. Paul are not referred to in Scripture.) compelled (Archbishop Wake here reads “scourged.”) We have followed the most recent critics in filling up the numerous lacunæ in this chapter. to flee, and stoned. After preaching both in the east and west, he gained the illustrious reputation due to his faith, having taught righteousness to the whole world, and come to the extreme limit of the west, (Some think Rome, others Spain, and others even Britain, to be here referred to. [See note at end.] and suffered martyrdom under the prefects.)  (That is, under Tigellinus and Sabinus, in the last year of the Emperor Nero; but some think Helius and Polycletus are referred to; and others, both here and in the preceding sentence, regard the words as denoting simply the witness borne by Peter and Paul to the truth of the gospel before the rulers of the earth.Thus was he removed from the world, and went into the holy place, having proved himself a striking example of patience.)To these men who spent their lives in the practice of holiness, there is to be added a great multitude of the elect, who, having through envy endured many indignities and tortures, furnished us with a most excellent example. Through envy, those women, the Danaids  (Some suppose these to have been the names of two eminent female martyrs under Nero; others regard the clause as an interpolation. [Many ingenious conjectures might be cited; but see Jacobson’s valuable note, Patres Apostol., vol. i. p. 30.]) and Dircæ, being persecuted, after they had suffered terrible and unspeakable torments, finished the course of their faith with stedfastness, (Literally, “have reached to the stedfast course of faith.”) and though weak in body, received a noble reward. Envy has alienated wives from their husbands, and changed that saying of our father Adam, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.” (Gen. ii. 23.) Envy and strife have overthrown great cities and rooted up mighty nations."
     Was it not Jesus Christ who was crucified for us so that all who believe on Him, not on some man doctrine, or some matter of indifference being made to be a matter of difference, no, it is Jesus Christ and Him alone that is to be our desire. If we are to lust after anything let it be to lust for Jesus Christ. If we did this, if we really took a look at our doctrines and practices, and the priority we place on them we just might find that they are matters that make schisms. Let us return to the Bible without any other source for our beliefs, I just bet that those divisions would dissolve. Until then let each of us return to the plain and clear teaching of the Bible. Start with me!

Let us hear the conclusion of this whole matter:
     Fear God, and keep His commandments: 
for this is the whole duty of man.
          Ecclesiastes 12:13

Return now to Scripture

Richard L. Crumb 

Monday, January 22, 2018

What Does It Mean To Be Sanctified?

I thank my God always on your behalf, 
for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; 
that in every thing ye are enriched by Him, 
in all utterances, and in all knowledge; 
even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: 
so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for 
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall 
also confirm you unto the end, that ye may 
be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
 God is faithful, by whom ye were called 
unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
1Corinthians 1:4-9
            It is the will of God to sanctify through Jesus Christ all that are called, that means you and I, and, it is not by what we do in works but by our decision to believe upon the One sent forth to call all who believe on Jesus Christ. If a person truly has come to believe upon Jesus Christ as their Savior then they also then have the responsibility to be obedient to Him and His commandments. This is proof that you are being sanctified in this life to match the fact that God calls you now as sanctified. When you believe on Jesus Christ as Savior God inputs to you righteousness and by this you are in the sight of God sanctified. Now, we must in this life work out this sanctification.
            Clement mentioned by Paul in (Philippians 4:3); as a fellow laborer and as Paul had to write to the Corinthian Church, so did Clement. It seems this Church was always in some sort of trouble: Paul wrote to them to admonish them to return to the faith as it was delivered to them, and Clement after the death of Paul had to do the same thing as this Church was once again following after heretical teachings, doing things that were never taught by Paul. This is true of many Churches today: they are doing things not Scriptural even though the twist the Scripture to fit their personal theology, or ideology. It is the philosophy of the world that is fighting against the truth of the Bible, today, and in Paul’s and in the day of Clement. Here are the words of Clement to the Corinthian Church:
“The Church of God which sojourns at Rome, to the Church of God sojourning at Corinth, to them that are called and sanctified by the will of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, from Almighty God through Jesus Christ, be multiplied.
Owing, dear brethren, to the sudden and successive calamitous events which have happened to ourselves, we feel that we have been somewhat tardy in turning our attention to the points respecting which you consulted us; ([Note the fact that the Corinthians asked this of their brethren, the personal friends of their apostle St. Paul.) Clement’s own name does not appear in this Epistle.] and especially to that shameful and detestable sedition, utterly abhorrent to the elect of God, which a few rash and self-confident persons have kindled to such a pitch of frenzy, that your venerable and illustrious name, worthy to be universally loved, has suffered grievous injury. (Literally, “is greatly blasphemed.”) For who ever dwelt even for a short time among you, and did not find your faith to be as fruitful of virtue as it was firmly established? (Literally, “did not prove your all-virtuous and firm faith.”) Who did not admire the sobriety and moderation of your godliness in Christ? Who did not proclaim the magnificence of your habitual hospitality? And who did not rejoice over your perfect and well-grounded knowledge? For ye did all things without respect of persons, and walked in the commandments of God, being obedient to those who had the rule over you, and giving all fitting honour to the presbyters among you. Ye enjoined young men to be of a sober and serious mind; ye instructed your wives to do all things with a blameless, becoming, and pure conscience, loving their husbands as in duty bound; and ye taught them that, living in the rule of obedience, they should manage their household affairs becomingly, and be in every respect marked by discretion.”
            Clement praises the Corinthian Church for their once faithfulness to the teachings of the Apostles;
“Moreover, ye were all distinguished by humility, and were in no respect puffed up with pride, but yielded obedience rather than extorted it, (Eph. v. 21; 1 Pet. v. 5.) and were more willing to give than to receive. (Acts xx. 35.) Content with the provision which God had made for you, and carefully attending to His words, ye were inwardly filled (Literally, “ye embraced it in your bowels.”) [Concerning the complaints of Photius (ninth century) against Clement, see Bull’s Defensio Fidei Nicænæ, Works, vol. v. p. 132.] with His doctrine, and His sufferings were before your eyes. Thus a profound and abundant peace was given to you all, and ye had an insatiable desire for doing good, while a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit was upon you all. Full of holy designs, ye did, with true earnestness of mind and a godly confidence, stretch forth your hands to God Almighty, beseeching Him to be merciful unto you, if ye had been guilty of any involuntary transgression. Day and night ye were anxious for the whole brotherhood, (1 Pet. ii. 17.) that the number of God’s elect might be saved with mercy and a good conscience. (So, in the ms., but many have suspected that the text is here corrupt. Perhaps the best emendation is that which substitutes συναισθσεως, “compassion,” for συνειδσεως, “conscience.”) Ye were sincere and uncorrupted, and forgetful of injuries between one another. Every kind of faction and schism was abominable in your sight. Ye mourned over the transgressions of your neighbours: their deficiencies you deemed your own. Ye never grudged any act of kindness, being “ready to every good work.” (Tit. iii. 1.) Adorned by a thoroughly virtuous and religious life, ye did all things in the fear of God. The commandments and ordinances of the Lord were written upon the tablets of your hearts. (Prov. vii. 3.)”
This sanctification was soon marred by those men and women coming as sheep in wool clothing only to blaspheme the truth once delivered. This caused such disharmony in the Church due to many now following wicked lusts.
“Every kind of honour and happiness (Literally, “enlargement” was bestowed upon you, and then was fulfilled that which is written, “My beloved did eat and drink, and was enlarged and became fat, and kicked.”) (Deut. xxxii. 15.) Hence flowed emulation and envy, strife and sedition, persecution and disorder, war and captivity. So the worthless rose up against the honoured, those of no reputation against such as were renowned, the foolish against the wise, the young against those advanced in years. For this reason righteousness and peace are now far departed from you, inasmuch as every one abandons the fear of God, and is become blind in His faith, (It seems necessary to refer αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.) neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian, but walks after his own wicked lusts, resuming the practice of an unrighteous and ungodly envy, by which death itself entered into the world. (Wisdom ii. 24.)”
Today we face such men and women who sound good, have good words that are easily digested only to teach a form of Christianity that was not taught by the Apostles. Words are redefined, presuppositions are leading the way that are far from the truth, holy worship is replaced by euphoric clamor, and doing things: i.e., running through tunnels of fire, or laying on tombs, even allowing tarot cards, and other such blasphemous things to make the people stay with them, to believe in them. This is only bringing upon those who follow and keep Authentic Christian Faith to be denigrated, spit upon, even killed because they will not relent on Authentic Christian Faith. It is up to each of us to ensure that what is being taught to us is actually the truth.

Let the floods clap their hands;
     Let the hills be joyful together.
Before the LORD; for He cometh to Judge the earth:
     With righteousness shall He judge the world,
And the people with equity.
                    Psalms 98 8-9

Obedience equals sanctification

Richard L. Crumb