Tuesday, January 2, 2018

History That Leads To A Firm Foundation Of Our Faith

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, 
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father,
 but by Me.
John 14:6
Nether is there any salvation in any other: 
for there is none other name under heaven 
given among men, 
whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4:12 

     A new  year, another has gone by, all that occurred in the last year is done, and that which was left undone has now another opportunity to be completed. I have been writing these blogs since 2011, with only some time off when having my surgery. The purpose, the goal, is to cause people to think, not just think but to think critically. It is not enough to say that you are a Christian, you must be a Christian. To be a Christian according to Scripture you must be an Authentic Christian and here is where there is a "rub." Who determines what is an Authentic Christian? It is easy to say Scripture. That is true, but who is determining what is the truth of Scripture? I have found in my experience in several different Churches that I felt as though I was attending a Dr. Phil philosophical teaching. I other Churches the pastor was telling more anecdotal stories that actually preaching about Jesus Christ (oh, it is good to use illustrations, but that is all they are: illustrations). I have attended Churches where the music, dress, and actions were more like being at a Woodstock concert. There are mainline Churches allowing homosexuality, women preachers, abortion, and even doing little if nothing about adultery, and fornication. Ears are being tickled and people are "eating up" these types of Church teaching. Then, there are those Churches that hang onto teachings from men as though they were inspired of God to write. In fact, one such pastor called, not only me a heretic, an unsaved person, but my parents, all because we attended a Church that did not teach a certain doctrine. How can we find a truthful teaching Church? I am not suggesting that you turn away from Church, that is certainly unscriptural, not I am saying that there is a way to find the truth. First, read you Bible, not with any other literature. Pray, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. Oh, you first must come to believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior sent by God to save. Repentance, true repentance, not just sorry for being caught, no, to repent before a Holy God who you have offended. 
     What is missing in our Church and in our acceptance to Christianity as being the way to eternal life, salvation, is history. We do not know from where we have come. The Ante-Nicean Church fathers are practically unknown, and in most cases are unknown. We do not know what the early fathers taught, and by this to come to a knowledge as to what has occurred through Church history, and whether or not there has been false teaching to infect the Church. Who better to tell us what the apostles taught than those who were alive during the lives of the apostles? 
     The apostle John lived to be 100 years of age and he taught many people and there are such a Polycarp (65-135 A.D), a student of John, Ignatious (35-197 A.D.), also taught by John and Polycarp, Irenaeus (130-200 A.D.), Clement of Rome (35-99, died 99 A.D.), men who taught and can be said to have knowledge of the truth by being taught by an apostle, John. It is sort of like getting teaching from the "horse' mouth,' and to be as close to the beginning of Christianity outside of the New Testament writings.  
      Let us look at Clement of Rome is listed byIrenIrenaeus and Tertullian as Bishop of Rome, holding office from 88 to his death in 99. He is considered to be the first Apostolic Father of the Church. It was Clement of Rome that asserted the authority of the presbyters as those who would lead the Church and that the apostles had appointed such. The first letter (the second letter attributed to Clement is known not to have been written by him) was read throughout the Church. The letter of Clement of Rome is one of the oldest extant Christian documents and were considered by some to be of the canon. His letter was not determined to meet the full requirement of the canon yet remain a most important document and needs to be read by Christians. You will find a firm foundation for the truth as to Christianity. 
Here is one portion of his writings: 
"All of these person, therefore, were highly honored, and were made great. This was not for their own sake, or for their own works, or for the righteousness which they wrought, but through the operation of His will. And we, too, being called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves. Nor are we justified by our own wisdom, understanding, godliness, or works that we have done in holiness or heart. Rather, we are justified by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men" (Clement of Rome, c.96).
     The earliest of writings then remind us that we do not earn salvation by our works or anything that we do that is considered good, or godly. Ignatius wrote: "Therefore, let us not be ungrateful for His kindness. For if He were to reward us according to our works, we would ceased to be" (Ignatius, c.105). 
     This year I will be looking at the past and seeing the path of Christianity that will lead us to Authentic Christianity. Do not be afraid of the questions, and do not be afraid of the answers. This is how we grow in our sanctification and faith. 

That men may know that Thou,
     Whose name alone is Jehovah,
art the most high over all the earth.
            Psalm 83:18

Strap on your mental boots

Richard L. Crumb   

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